Thursday, August 9, 2012

Potpourri Party #36

Welcome to Potpourri Friday!  Summer is quickly getting away from us and many are getting ready for back to school.

Among other things this is week, I came down with
 French-y basket fever!
   Several of you have asked how to print onto fabric so 
I will do a post on it next week.

A big "thank you" goes out to everyone that participated last week!  We had a terrific party   with highlights galore, and here are a few of them.

Mary   decorates and entertains on the boat at 

Katie at  Creatively Living reveals her newly renovated 
Living Room!

Pamela restyled two nightstands into elegant works of art at From my Front Door to Yours.

Dreaming of traveling the world?  Emily at  Emily's Up-Cycled Furniture created a desk fit for a Sea Captain.

  Suzan at Simply Vintageous    refinishes  a custom  white hutch for a customer!   

Debbie, at Painted Therapy,  built these 
Folding Sling Chairs!

Andrea at Decorating Cents  has a  mid-year  review of her accomplishments! 

Gayle at Miss Kopy Kat does just that with a ringer of a Pottery Barn knockoff tablescape!

Fabby at Fabby’s Living creates beautiful tablescapes with her new Red Transferware.

Brenda at Cozy Little House has been dreaming in color! 

Kirsten at  Sophia's shows us some of her transfer projects and shares her favorite transfer method.

Learn how to  give new  bottles an  antique look,by Geneva at My Heart’s Song 

Laura at Cottage and Broome has created an 
adorable Fairy Garden

Take a Garden Tour with Anne at Design Dreams  By Anne

Gail at 1-Minute Bible Love Notes captures  the fascinating Doors of Dubrovnik

Sarah at  Hyacinths for the Soul shares her recipe for
 lemon  pie!

If you were featured this week, please grab the "Featured " Button on the sidebar to use on your blog.

If you are planning to "pin" any of the features, please use the link provided  so that credit is given to the original source.

Party Guidelines

1Be a friend and follower of  2805  Please leave a comment that your are following so I can follow you back. If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back and link up again.   Without a link, you cannot be featured. 
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.   
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog
5.  Please  turn off your  Word Verification! 

 I hope that you will stay a while, visit with the

other party guests (after all, it is a party), leave some comment love and make some new friends along the way!

Until next time, Honey

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. Beautiful features Honey. Love that white hutch and the color of those night stands. Thanks so much for hosting.

  2. Thanks so much for the feature Honey - beyond thrilled - that gentle giant has been making the rounds!!!
    Loving all the others as well - such a compliment to be included with them :)
    AND thanks for hosting - have yourself a wonderful week
    Big hugs of appreciation

  3. Honey~ Thanks so much for featuring my boat post! I'm honored to be among such creativity and inspiring company! Thanks for hosting :)

  4. Thanks so much for hosting. Pamela did one beautiful job on those nightstands.


  5. Thanks for hosting, Honey and for the wonderful features!


  6. Wow! Those are all excellent features. Thanks for sharing and hosting a great party!

  7. Thanks for hosting, Honey. Great features.

  8. Love the features! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  9. Fabulous features! Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  10. Honey, thank so much for hosting! I love this party and am so happy to PLAY this week! These are GREAT features too. I ahve seen soe and will visit the others. XO, Pinky

  11. Hi Honey, great features this week. Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  12. Honey, what an honor to be spotlighted here at 2805. Thank you! I'd send you a lemon meringue pie if I thought it would travel. ;-) Thanks for hosting this fun potpourri each week. I always look forward to the inspiration shared here. ~ Sarah

  13. Hi Honey, I had trouble linking up today and #48 & #49 are the same...sorry!! I kept getting and "error" message after I clicked my pic. Anyway, I love the features and thank you for hosting.

  14. Wow, no doubt you had a lot of great entries last week!
    Thanks for hosting!

  15. Thank you so much for hosting, Honey :) Wow, a lovely bunch of features!!

  16. Honey, these are wonderful features! Thank you so much for being such a gracious hostess!

  17. Great features Honey! thanks so much for hosting!

  18. Here I am again partying with you at your great linky!! Thank you so much for the honor of featuring my red transferware here and next to such lovely features this week, dear Honey, wow!! Once more, thank you for having me.
    Lots of hugs,

  19. Great features Honey and thanks for hosting! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Gail

  20. Thank you for hosting and thank you for featuring my living room! I hope you're having a great week!


  21. I feel blessed and honored to be featured for my Dubrovnik Doors post. Thanks so much. And thank you for hosting such a super link-up. bless you, Gail

  22. Hi Honey ~ Hope your keeping well these days.
    Your features this week are stunning! I can't wait to check them all out.
    Thank you for hosting.
    Hugs Rosemary...xo

  23. Thanks, Honey, for always having such interesting features and for hosting!

  24. Thank you so much for hosting! The features are awesome. :)

  25. Hi Honey! Linking up with you for the first time today. I'm following along now too so I won't miss out on the fun! :) Thanks for hosting.

  26. Honey, Thanks you so much for featuring our post from last week about our Fairy Garden!!! It was is really appreciated. We always love linking up with your weekly party! Thanks again, Laura

  27. Thanks so much for hosting us! :-)

  28. Thanks so much for hosting! What a blessing! Now following you! Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!

  29. Thank you soooo much for hosting! I'm going to have to check out those sling cool!

  30. Thanks so much for the feature Honey! And such beautiful features you chose, too! I'm so glad you enjoyed the tour xox

  31. Thanks so much for inviting me to join the party! You are a gracious host! Love the features! Have a wonderful weekend! Blessings ~ Judy

  32. Thanks so much for hosting this Potpourri Party! So many beautiful posts were featured, I'm sure it was difficult to choose. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  33. Yay, I am so happy I had time to link up this week. Great features, and thanks for hosting. Glad you are back in blogland!!

  34. Love the features. Thanks for hosting PF.


  35. Hi Honey, big party, thanks so much for hosting. Appreciate all your work on this party. Love the features this week.

  36. The posts you have featured are wonderful. I am going to explore! Fun party!

  37. Beautiful features this week! Thank you for hosting.

  38. Loved all these features. You are such a loyal and sweet host. Love your party.
    xo bj

  39. I am just in awe about how many beautidful things us ladies and gentlemen bloggers have and share with each other

    I just dream all day long after looking at some of these posts
    ready for another yard sale or estate sale

    I am going to start clearing out some of my smalls in my studio it is so piled up it looks junky now

    wish there was enough local bloggers I would just have a blogger yard sale inside LOL ( thinking )

  40. Hi Honey,
    I always get great ideas in your parties.

    Loving your features today. Gorgeousness... everyone are so a great handygirls, *wink.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Happy week-end,

  41. Hi Honey, Thanks for hosting and sharing so much wonderful inspiration.

  42. Sorry I am so late to your wonderful party...happily linked both blogs today xox

  43. Gosh! Thanks so much for featuring the summer beach vases that I copied from a Pottery Barn catalog. It is an honor to be in the company of the other featured posts. Thanks also for hosting your fun party for us, Honey! I am looking forward to learning more tips on how to copy the image transfer to fabric technique that you use to enhance your "French-y" baskets.

  44. Love all your features! Thanks for hosting a fun party.


  45. Thanks so much for hosting!! Have a wonderful night!

  46. Great features and congrats to the winner! Thanks for hosting. Enjoy your week-end.

  47. What a gorgeous basket! That is one of my all time favorite graphics always wanted to try printing on fabric, but am a big chicken at the thought of feeding material into printer!

    iPhone 5 pris

  48. The fabulous and more creative image photo shared so that can be know that and wonderful post shared. The lovely and wonderful tract shared and do enjoyable also. The amazing and more useable efforts for the published on the site.

    Billig Bredbånd


Comments make me giddy!


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