Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Potpourri Friday #46

Hello Everyone!  Potpourri Friday is a little 
early this week. 

I want to thank everyone for linking the beautiful posts, projects, and fabulous and fun Fall decor!

I have to be absent for a couple of weeks, but hope that you will carry on without me.  I will leave the linky party open until I return.  Please feel free to link any time you wish.  I want to keep up with every thing you are doing.  Link all your posts if your like.  
When I return there will be tons of fabulous highlights to post.

Thank you so much for your kind words and understanding!   
Keep up the terrific creativity
 and the great things you do.

I will "see" you soon!

Party Guidelines

1Be a friend and follower of  2805  Please leave a comment that your are following so I can follow you back. If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back and link up again. Without a link, you cannot be featured. 
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.   
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog. 5.  Please  turn off your  Word Verification!   

I hope you will stay a while, visit the 

other party  

guests, leave some comment love and 

make  new 

friends along the way!

Love you all!


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


  1. I hope all is ok in your world Honey - and that you're just taking a well deserved break!
    Big hugs of appreciation for hosting

  2. Hi Honey...thank you so much for hosting and sending well wishes your way!
    XO Barbara

  3. I hope all is well Honey! I will miss you but will be here when you return. Take care, Gail

  4. Thanks for the wonderful party today...Happy Wednesday!

  5. Thank you for hosting, Honey. I hope you are well and all is fine in your world. Have a lovely day.


  6. Thanks for hosting Honey! I'm sending my best wishes your way. Take care!

  7. Honey, thanks so much for hosting. Hope all is well.

  8. Honey, just linked up and want to thank you for hosting! See you soon!
    Hugs, Penny

  9. Just joined your party...thank you for hosting. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  10. Thanks so much for hosting Honey! Hope all is well!
    Tuula :)

  11. Honey,
    I love linking up to this party!!

    Thanks so much for hosting!!


  12. Honey, Thanks for hosting the party again. I hope you are feeling better very soon!!! ~Melanie

  13. Thank you Honey for hosting the party. See you when you get back.


  14. Honey, Thanks for hosting another great party and I wish you well. Take care and God bless.

  15. Honey, I hope you are doing well and please take care of yourself. Thanks for hosting.

  16. Hi there Honey!Hurry back,and as always thanks so much for hosting this party.

  17. Thanks for hosting Honey! Have a great weekend and hurry on back!

  18. Thank you for hosting Honey.

  19. HI Honey - hope all is well and will see you soon!

  20. I hope all is well, Honey! Thank you so much for hosting!

  21. Hi Honey, hope all is well with you and yours. Thanks for hosting.

  22. Thanks so much for hosting! Have a great week :)

  23. Thank you Honey! Look forward to seeing you when you return.

    Susan and Bentley

  24. Thank you for hosting! I hope you are feeling better soon!

  25. Hi Honey: Hope you are having fun, and thank you so much for hosting the party for us today!

  26. Honey, I do hope you get to feeling better. It's no fun to feel under the weather. Thanks for hosting the party. I'll be seeing lots of inspiration as I visit the links this weekend. hugs, Sue

  27. New follower via GFC! Thank you for letting me link up!

    Kristy @ Shona Skye Creations

  28. Thanks for hosting, Honey! 'See you' when you get back :)

  29. Thanks so much for another great party! Hope you feel better soon!! :)

  30. Thanks for hosting. Great features here. I am your newest follower.

  31. Hi, Honey. Thank you for continuing to host. ~Zuni

  32. Thank you for hosting my friend. I'm a bit late linking up...sending hugs your way

  33. Honey, I hope you are doing well. Sorry you'll be gone for awhile. Blessings my friend.

  34. Thanks for hosting, Honey. Hope all is well with you...Christine

  35. I made it this week Honey! Thanx so much for hosting. I hope all is well!:)

  36. Thanks for hosting, Honey. Looking forward to these links over the weekend.


  37. Hope you are well...1,377 followers' and counting will be waiting for your return!

  38. Honey,

    Here's to your health. I am a new follower and would love for you to follow my blog. Thank you for the opportunity to post my project. Take care and I hope that you are feeling better.


  39. Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower! :)


  40. Thanks again for hosting. I love the features....Hope you are well.

  41. Thanks for hosting another fabulous party! Hope you have a blessed weekend! :)

  42. Wow! What a fantastic party! Such talented ladies! Great recipes and ideas! I'm now following you! Autumn joy to you and yours!
    Linda @ Grandmalay's Daydreams

  43. Thanks for hosting even during your absense!
    Your newest follower,


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  44. We will look forward to your return! Thanks for keeping the party going, Laura

  45. Hi Honey, hope you are doing well. Thanks for hosting another great party.

  46. Hi Honey!

    First time to party with you! I will have fun checking out the other links. Thanks for hosting this fun party :)

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  47. Hi,

    Just found your blog and joined the link party! Thank you for hosting. I'm a new follower. Please swing by when you have the time, and maybe even follow if you happen to like my posts. :)

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  48. Hi Honey!
    Thank you so much for hosting. Hope all is okay....
    I'm off to go visit.


  49. Kathy, I hope things are going well and that your health is improving. Thanks for hosting........Sarah

  50. Hope all is Ok with you and your family. I am new follower, and joining the party.

    Jan @ The Pink Geranium

  51. Enjoy your blogging time off, Honey. Thanks for hosting....Christine

  52. Just checking to see how you are doing, Honey. Hope all is well.

  53. Hi Honey,
    Just wanted to wish you and your family a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving..Hope al is well and you have an enjoyable wishes..

  54. Hello Honey,
    We miss you and we hope all is well. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!


  55. I can't wait to participate in 2013. I'm a new follower.

  56. Honey... Just checking in on you. Hope you're doing okay! ~ Laura

  57. Hope everything is okay with you and yours. Hope you will back in blogland again soon!

  58. Gee, I have been out all day and totally missed it:( Next week, I'll join the party!

  59. Honey
    I Like your Blog nice christmas tree's.
    Lots of beautiful photos.
    I really enjoyed your Blog.
    I wish you a happy-scintillating 2013

    greeting Dear Ingrid

  60. Honey, I do hope you are well. Missing you in Blogland, and your Friday linky. ((hugs)) xo

  61. Here's hoping you're well and enjoying a fine Texas winter.

  62. I hope you are doing well! Miss seeing your posts.

  63. I always visit to see if your back. Hope it's soon and hope you are well.

    The French Hutch

  64. Hi lovely lady.
    I miss you !! I also hope you are well !! Come see me if you can ok.
    XXOOO Diane

  65. Hello my love! Just stopped by to say we miss you much! Praying all is well.


  66. Hello dear friend,
    Hoping and praying you are fine.

  67. Hi lovely lady.
    I am also hoping you are fine. I am also hoping you have a wonderful Easter with your family. I do miss you.
    XXOO Diane

  68. I miss you and hope youa re well!!!!! xo

  69. It's been along time since you last posted... I hope you are okay!

  70. Honey I cannot believe the creativity you have harnessed in one post!!
    I hope you are having fun and a wonderful Independence Day Holiday weekend!

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  71. Hi Honey! Just wanted to check in and let you know you have been missed! Hugs!

  72. I want to know when the party is up, as it seems I'm late and so it's closed! Thank you sweet lady and have a super weekend.

  73. Hope you are OK, Honey!
    Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  74. Hi Honey,
    Just want you to know that I pop by every now and then to see if you are posting. Hope all is well. Miss you.


  75. Well, Honey, last time I was here, you were closing down your Potpourri Fri....and taking a break.
    Now, here I am...I see your link party is back up and running. I had no idea or I'd have been playing in your party. :)

  76. We all wish to your good health ............,


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