Hello everyone and welcome to Potpourri Friday! Hope you are having a wonderful week!
While I worked on some projects at home this week and had yet another doctor's appointment, my little thrifty beauty has been popular.
Plus I took you on a tour of
Le Mont St Michelle.
Every week I am amazed by the talent and creativity of the special blogger who link to Potpourri Friday! It never ceases!
Here are but a few of the wonderful links this week!
into a bar!
knock-off of a Pottery Barn trunk!
French Country Cupboard!
up a peek inside her cupboard!
office chair!
Debra gave us a tour of her living room at
the lovely Beatrice!
look inside her amazing studio!
Ann created a most unique birthday present
for her husband's birthday! Read all about it
If you were featured this week, please grab
the "featured" button to post on your blog!
Many thanks to everyone who participated last week! In my opinion, everyone is a Star!
If you plan to "pin" any of the features,
please use the link provided so that the proper credit is given!
Party Guidelines
1. Please be a friend and follower of 2805 via Google Friends Connect if your are on Blogger or Linky Follower if you are on Wordpress or another platform. Or both, if you prefer. If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2. Please post the Party Button, located on the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post . If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back" and link up again. Without a link back, you cannot be featured. You do not want to miss out on a feature because you are lacking the proper link!
3. Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening, DIY projects, crafts, recipes, thrifty finds, photography, etc. Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.
4. Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog.
5. Please, please turn off your Word Verification!
I hope that you will stay a while, visit with the other party guests (after all, it is a party!),
leave some comment love and make some
new friends along the way!
Until next time, Honey
Hoping you will visit my Friday Friends!
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