Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just Say "No"

You may have noticed that Blogger has changed their format on “Word Verification”.  Instead of legible letters, which were cumbersome enough, now they are using a new  “captcha” format with illegible letters sometimes in bubbles and odd shapes,  with part of them in reverse (white on black).  To make matters worse, you have to negotiate 2 words instead of one.  It’s time consuming and often takes more than one try.  Many will just give up and not comment, so it's to your benefit  and you should received more comments.

Just say “NO” to Word Verification.

Just Say No - Word Verification

One thing blogger does well is catch spam.  In over a year I have not had a single instance of spam getting through in my comments.  You may not realize that your Word Verification is turned on.
 To turn it off,  (using the old Blogger format)  go to your Settings, Click on Comments,  scroll down almost to the bottom of the page  and it says “Show word verification  on comments”     Just mark it “No”  to turn it off!

Spread the word!   Let’s all  “Just say No”!

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow afternoon or Friday at Potpourri Friday!

Until next time, Honey

PS!  Sue at Sullivan and Murphy  has also done a post on this issue today,  She has clear, illustrated, walk through instructions!  If you are unsure of how to turn it off or need to check to see whether or not it is on, take a look at her post, I'm On My High Horse

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Bloomers!

I’m ready for some new Spring Bloomers!

Aren't  you? 
Until next time, Honey

Linking to:

Monday, February 27, 2012

Transferware Pitcher Begs New Home

One  day while innocently browsing,  a large ironstone transferware pitcher  literally  jumped off a shelf and into my arms.    She said “take me home with you” and I did.

She is a bit crazed, is that the  correct term?  
(but aren’t we all?)   
   She is sweet, curvy  and came at a bargain price.

Here is her handle,

Here is her spout.

Originally from England, she now makes her home in Texas.

Wishing you a lovely week!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Social Networking

The Ducks were  playing in the Fountain until….

One duck quacked,  "Hey  guys,  come on."

His Mommy just gave him a Cookie!  
                                                                                            - Wellington, New Zealand

Until  next time, Honey 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Potpourri Friday #25

Welcome to Potpourri Friday #25 where you will find  a wonderful smorgasbord of creative projects, ideas and stories.

After yesterdays post, it seems a lot of us have the Winter doldrums.  Besides the doldrums, I’ve been under the weather for a while and a contractor working in the neighborhood cut a main line so I was without electricity all day Tuesday into the evening and that was on top of an outage on Saturday.  These are a few of the reasons I have not been posting or commenting a lot lately.    But is is 80-degrees here today, the sun is shining and  it gives me hope that soon we will be seeing some of these!

 What a fabulous  potpourri  of ideas we had last week and these are but a few of the highlights!

Dream kitchen makeover by Eclectically Vintage.  This before/after is a must see!

Kitchen Tour at  Beaux R’eves

Sun Room Changes at Savvy Southern Style

Bath makeover by Town and Country  Living

Chair Reupholstery  by Pandora’s Craft Box

Quilt for a Cause  by  Marcia’s Crafty Sewing and Quilting

Log Moss Gardens by Hating Martha (It’s all about smoke and mirrors!)

Beach Shop Creations at Swede Dreamer

Ruffled Bedskirt Tablecloth at 

If you were featured this week or any other week, please feel free to grab the “featured”  button located on the sidebar.

Party Guidelines
1. Be a friend and follower of  2805 via Google Connect or  Linky Follower.   If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.  Limit 3 or 4 please!
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog.
5.  Please, please turn off your  Word Verification!  Pretty Please!

Thank you all for your inspiration and participation.  I hope you will stay a while, visit with the other guests, leave some comment love and make a few new friends along the way.

Until next time, Honey

Hoping you will visit my Friday Friends! 

  PhotobucketInspiration Friday Graphic1

vif187   Feathered Nest Friday

link up every friday   

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I have a huge, overpowering case of the winter blahs,  the doldrums which is definded by the dictionary as a period of inactivity or a state of stagnation. 

It’s not been a harsh Winter, but windy, dreary.  But I think it’s just me.  This time of the year, I always long to be somewhere tropical.  Someplace nice  where the Sun is Shinning, the Breezes are Warm and the Water is Lapping on the Beach.

Somewhere where the palms are swaying
Palm Cove, Australia

Taking a sunset cruise  
Key West Florida

Watching pink flamingos play  

 Enjoying  warm  tropical water 


Strolling along black beaches  

Sitting  in a hot tub, enjoying the view

Watching the sunset over the ocean
Somewhere over the Ocean

Or  Snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef
Great Barrier Reef, Australia

 I’m  the one with the   BIG   EYES !!!
Your Eyes would get Big too if this thing swam up beside you and wanted to Snuggle!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Potpourri Friday #24

Hi everyone and welcome to Potpourri Party #24!  I hope everyone had a Happy Valentine’s Day!

I got these little cuties at my Mom's last year.  They are in excellent condition and look like they have never been used.  I think she received these as a wedding shower gift and are over 50 years old.  These gals are looking pretty good and maintaining their age well.  

As always, the participants  last week did a wonderful job with their creative and unique projects.  You always amaze and inspire me.
Here are a few highlights from last week.

Mixed Media Wreath by Cottage in the Oaks

Submerging flowers at Miss Kopy Kat

Sweet guest bags by A Delightsome Life

Kid’s art at Creatively Living

Romantic destination at Kay Ellen Design


Valentine’s Desert  At Nann’s Table

Valentine wreath and vignette at La Vie Quotidienne

If you were featured this week or any other week, please feel free to grab the “featured”  button located on the sidebar.

Party Guidelines
1. Be a friend and follower of  2805 via Google Connect or  Linky Follower.   If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.  Limit 3 or 4 please!
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog.
5.  Please turn off your  Word Verification

Thank you all for your inspiration and participation.  I hope you will stay a while, visit with the other guests, leave some comment love and make a few new friends along the way.

Until next time, Honey

Hoping you will visit my Friday Friends! 

 PhotobucketInspiration Friday Graphic1

 Feathered Nest Friday

link up every friday   

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


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