Friday, November 11, 2011

Potpourri Party #11

Welcome to Potpourri Friday Party #11!!

This cute little footstool, covered in a vintage grain sack type fabric is a new addition to my living room.  It’s perfect for me as I am short and my feet don’t quite reach the floor when sitting in most any chair.

 It should make reading here far more comfortable.

  To everyone who participated in  the Party last week!, a great big Thank You!    Here is just a sample of the inspiration from last week!

Kathy, at a   A Delightsome Life  created a light fixture from a chicken feeder! 

At Camelot Art Creations,  Desiree Guy,  created a writing desk,  complete with hand-written script on the top!

Jacqueline at Purple Chocolate Home shares her recipe for Symphony Brownies!

Karee of The Vintage Chateau shares her  Blackberry-Peach Cobbler in a Jar recipe!

Laurie at Heaven’s Walk creates beautiful “messages”  
 from a set of children’s blocks.

Carol at The Polka Dot Closet made the sweet  French market bags!

Antiquechase   stenciled   some book bundles.


Andie at Divine Theatre  did  a complete remake of  a French table that is certainly divine now that she’s finished with it!

If you were featured, please feel free to grab the Featured  Button on the sidebar!

November marks my one year  Blogiversary!  To help celebrate, The Shabby Apple  is sponsoring a dress giveaway.  Find out all the details Here.   After you link up,  I Hope you will  
enter the Giveaway 
and help to spread the word!

As a special gift, for the next 30 days Shabby Apple is offering all my readers 10% off their order!   Just enter in  promocode:

Party Guidelines 

1.  Be a friend and follower of  2805 via Google Connect  If you have become a follower of 2805 and have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back in the body of your post so that  others can join in the Party Fun.  I have often found new parties, thus making new friends,  when I saw a party link on a blog post.  You must have a link back to this party or my party button in your post.   If you find your link deleted then  a link back to this party was not in your post.  Just add a link  to your post and try again.  If you need help, just ask.

3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.

4.  Please link the url of the specific post  which you are linking, not the url for your blog.

5.  Please turn off your  Word Verification.  Google does a very good job of catching spam.   Go to Settings, Click on Comments, Go to Show Word Verification?  Check “No” and Save.
6. Please no advertising or Etsy shops!
7.  Please stay a while, visit other guests, just as you would at any other party, leave some comment love (we all love comments!)  and perhaps make a few new friends while you are here!

Thanks for all the kind notes and emails I’ve received this week.  This   titanium plate and screws and a whole potpourri   of headaches have made for a miserable week.  Hope you will excuse me for being way behind on my commenting this week.

 Please come back  again next week and
Bring a Friend!

Until next time, Honey

Linking to:

PhotobucketInspiration Friday Graphic1

 Feathered Nest Friday

link up every friday 

Let’s Party!

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  1. Hi Honey! Thank you for hosting! Your foot stool is perfect!

  2. Hmmmm my feet don't reach either!! I always have a pillow behind me! All great posts you highlighted. Thanks for hosting!

  3. Love your footstool, Honey! Some of us need a little boost...I'm vertically challenged, too!!! Thanks for hosting such a great party!!!

  4. Hello Honey! Love the footstool! I always need one when sitting in a chair! This one is fantastic! Love all your features! Thank you so much for featuring my light shade! I am honored! I am sharing this week what I did with the rest of the chicken feeder! Thank you for hosting - and Happy Blogiversary! I am a happy follower!

  5. Fantastic features! The brownies look soo good!! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and for hosting such a fabulous party!

  6. ha
    great minds apparently think alike
    as we're both
    hosting a shabby apple giveaway and
    we chose one of the same posts to feature today!

    all linked up!


  7. LOVE your new cute :) All linked up! Thanks for hosting, Laurel

  8. Honey, what a cute little footstool! I love it! And what great features you've showcased! Thanks for hosting each week. I always look forward to linking up!

  9. Honey thanks so much for hosting. I always look forward to your party! Martina

  10. Adorable footstool, very terrific features you've chosen! Thank you for having me and for hosting this great and fun party, I love linking up! Hugs, FABBY

  11. Hi Honey,
    Thanks for hosting. I always enjoy linking up and seeing your features.

  12. Your new footstool is very lovely.
    Thank you for hosting the party; it's always fun to join you.

  13. Honey, thanks for featuring me this week! Your parties are always so fun!

  14. Your cushion is SO cute! That chair looks pretty and comfy, too! Happy reading!


  15. Thank you thank you for featuring my stencil book project!! Going to link back under where I was featured/ Also, linking up again for this week. thanks for hosting !!

  16. What a cute little foot rest! Thanks for hosting too.

  17. Those are darling graphics on the footstool! Thanks once again, Honey!

  18. Great features Honey. Cute footstool. Thanks for hosting.

  19. Hi Honey...

    Oooh...I love your new footstool, my friend! That fabric really is the prettiest!!! Of course, I love the grainsack fabric but what really appeals to me is the the soft yellow-gold with the black print! Beautiful!!! It looks lovely in your living room too! BRAVO, my friend!!!

    What beautiful inspiration posts that you chose from last weeks party! I missed the beautiful desk with the script writing on the top so I will be sure to go and visit! Thank you so much for hosting another week of Potpourri Friday for us! I am sooo enjoying your parties, dear friend!

    Love ya,

  20. ...such a lovely petite footstool:)
    and i can see i may be here awhile with all of these fabulous link ups:)
    xo, Rosemary

  21. Thank you so much, Honey. I am honored to be among the talented bloggers you posted.


  22. Oh my! Me and brownies! :)
    Thank you for hosting again Honey. I really enjoy linking up with you.
    Hugs Rosemary...xx

  23. Thanks for hosting Potpourri Party # 11 - always a pleasure to join and visit others.

  24. Thanks for the party! You picked such great inspiration and I love your foot stool! Great Job

  25. Hi Honey, cute little foot stool. My feet don't touch the floor either. Maybe I need to get a little one like yours. Thanks for hosting and great features this week.

  26. Hi Honey, Love your stool and I love wing back chairs. Pairing the two like you did is so charming. And your features this week are wonderful. Thanks for hosting such a great party. (I accidentally linked twice and don't know how to undo it. Please delete one) :) xoxo

  27. I love it when I see the Potpourri party pop up on my blog reader - I love your party, plus I know it signals Friday! :) Thanks for hostessing, I'm off to visit some of the other linkers!

  28. I so enjoy posting my link to your weekly party and thanks for hosting!

  29. Thanks so much for hosting this "cool" party!!!


  30. Love the footstool. Your features are just amazing. Thanks for hosting. Hugs, Marty

  31. I love that footstool! I'm short, so my feet never touch either. I need one of those! Thanks for hosting!

  32. What wonderful projects and creativeness! The brownies look scrumptious and I love the stenciled books. So clever. Thanks for hosting, Honey.

  33. These are great projects and the brownies look so yummy. Those stenciled books are wonderful. Loads of fun and inspiration everywhere. Thanks for hosting. Linda

  34. Awwww....thank you so much for featuring my blocks, Honey! You're a doll! Luv your sweet little footstool, btw!!! Darling!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  35. I've been a follower and really enjoy your Potpourri Party every week.

    Hope you'll stop by for a visit soon...


  36. Hi Honey, Thanks for hosting another great party! Have a great weekend. Hugs Marilou

  37. What a sweet footrest and clever idea too! Thank you for hosting once again, Diane

  38. Love the footstool. Perfect solution. Thanks for hosting. Blessings,

  39. Hi Honey! Love that frenchy! Great features! Thanks for hosting..hugs...Debbie

  40. You absolutely have "The Best of the Best" on here--it is staggering--SO gorgeous!!!

  41. absolutely wonderful highlights - those brownies are calling my name! thank you for hostessing Honey :) -diane

  42. Hey Friday Friend! Love your new footstool and all of your gorgeous features this week. :-) Thanks so much for hosting us!

  43. Love the cute footstool, Honey!..Christine

  44. Love, love the stool. Great features this week as usual!! Thanks for hosting the awesome giveaway! I need a new dress! LOL, have a great weekend.

  45. Oh, I was so thrilled to open your post and see that I was featured! Thank you so much! I just love the French market bags! They would be such perfect gifts.

  46. Thank you for hosting this and I love the name Potpourri Party. You have a lovely blog!
    Have a great day,

  47. Hi Honey! Love this week's features and your little footstool! Hope you're feeling better. Thanks for hosting and for the great giveaway!

  48. Hi Honey, that is the cutest footstool. Love it! Thanks for hosting my dear!


  49. Thank you for the feature of my French Market bags! I am off to see what your guests have this week


  50. Love the foot stool! I'm a bit late to the party but wanted to join in this week. Wow, there's so much talent ~ will take me hours to read these incredible blogs!

    Thanks so much for hosting sweet friend.


  51. Hi Honey! Thank you for hosting your party! I'm getting to join you this week!
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  52. I am now your newest follower. Thanks for hosting this fantastic party! I'm guessing your short like me, aren't stools great! Hope your feeling better soon!


  53. This is just a lovely and inspiring party. Thanks so much for hosting, Honey!

  54. Your little footstool is too cute! Love the print on that, and the yellow stripe. Thank you for visiting my blog, andrea@townandprairie

  55. What a cute little footstool!
    Happy Potpourri Friday!

    Kay Ellen

  56. awesome footstool. i am amazed at so many talented folks out there. thank you
    ~laura xx

  57. Your little footstool is so cute! I love it - it's like a little tuffet. Thanks for stopping by my blog by the way.


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