Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Warrenton/Round Top Antiques Week

Last Saturday, I drove to my sister’s in Austin so that we could go together to the Warrenton/Round Top Antiques Show.

My niece  joined us on Sunday as we braved the sun and 103-degree heat.  The wind and dirt were blowing like crazy and a severe  drought continues.  After only a few minutes, our faces were coated with so much dirt is felt a bit like sandpaper.  Despite the really miserable conditions we had a great time tromping around
in the fields from tent to tent. 
 Everything imaginable was available!

HGTV was there with a crew and  are planning a special on the show in October.  There was a notice at their tent (which, of course, was empty when we were there) that anything said are done in the area would was subject to being recorded by audio and video equipment.   Maybe thay had some secret cameras for “candid camera” segments.   We were careful what we said and
did while we were there.

Sunday evening, Theresa, a very gracious hostess, of Garden  Antqs Vintage  held a Blog Party and it was fun meeting a few other bloggers.   If you have never met Theresa, be sure to stop by her blog.  She always has great posts!  While we were there I took a few shots of her booth!

Teresa and my sister,  Donna 

We were back again on Monday and we stayed both days until everyone was closing up. 

Did I tell you that we all found some really neat things and the SUV  was loaded down both days?

Reminder:  Potpourri Friday!   Link up begins Thursday afternoon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kitchens with Sparkle

I  just now returned from Round Top/Warrenton and am again
in the midst of  an electrical outage.

I am  really grateful to  Susi of
for being our guest blogger!   Thank you, Susi!

Hi all, I’m Susi, a writer for, a fabulous social media site that promotes interior designers and their work from around the world. My writing focuses on things I'm passionate about: interior design, home furnishings, gardening, travel and art. I am so excited to be visiting 2805 this week and talking about decorating ideas for kitchens with unexpected sparkle. Who doesn't love a stylish kitchen? And there are so many cool ways to add unexpected sparkly design elements these days. I'm definitely a magpie when it comes to sparkly objects. They catch the eye and add so much interest to a room. Here are 8 of my favorite kitchens with unexpected sparkle. Hope you enjoy them!
Kitchen Sparkle Shelter Interior Design (via)
Round metallic tiles create an unexpected sparkling backsplash in this charming kitchen. The round tiles look like silver dollars. Love it!
Kitchen Sparkle Get It Girl Style (via)
The crystal chandelier adds unexpected sparkle over the island in this kitchen. A chandelier in the kitchen is not typical but definitely adds a touch of sparkly elegance.
Kitchen Sparkle Decorare (via)
Glossy black cabinets and stainless steel add shine to this dramatic and elegant kitchen. The real unexpected sparkle comes from the mirrored cabinet bottoms, backsplash and counter in the butler's pantry area.
Kitchen Sparkle Curbly (via)
Another great chandelier as kitchen island light. This ornate black chandelier is definitely unexpected in this modern kitchen's interior design. Love the black against the soft blue.
Kitchen Sparkle Urban Grace Interiors (via)
Gold handles on cabinets are unexpected with today's trend towards cool, silvery metals. Maybe not for every kitchen but these look great against a dark cabinet color.
Kitchen SparkleGlamour Drops (via)
Glass always adds a nice sparkle to a kitchen and this kitchen is filled with glass fronted cabinets. The unexpected sparkle comes from the incredible ceiling. Is it metal or beveled mirror?
Kitchen Sparkle The Glam Lamb (via)
Another beautiful chandelier hangs in this kitchen but what adds something unexpected is the wallpaper. A soft metallic sheen in a kitchen wallpaper would definitely add a bit of unexpected sparkle to the space.
Kitchen Sparkle Holly Mathis Interiors (via)
Adding a bit of sparkle from a formal crystal chandelier to a farmhouse kitchen is unexpected but definitely works. Mixing in different styles makes for a more interesting space. An amazing number of kitchen design ideas packed into one space here.

This content is provided by Design Shuffle, where you can find and share talented interior designs from from New York interior designers, Los Angeles interior designers, and more, check out the latest at Design Shuffle.

Linking to:

A Note from Nannette & Babbette

Hi  girls!

We are the French sisters, remember us?   I’m  Nannette (the tall one),   and I’m  Babbette  (the sexy one… she still hasn’t gotten this flower out of my face!)

Nanette:  Honey is away for a few days.  She went to that big antiques show  in Warrenton/Round Top.
Babbette:  Why would anyone be out there walking around in that dirt, wind and heat.  It’s 103!

So we are in control of the computer again.  She almost never let’s us close to this thing.  But since she’s gone, we wanted you to know   we are here and if you want to ask us any questions, we will try to get them answered before she gets back  tonight
and catches us!

We do want to remind you about the Giveaway…times running out!  It ends tonight at Midnight!

We hope you will join us for Potpourri Friday.  Link up will be Thursday afternoon.  We will be there looking at your posts.

Hugs,   Nannette & Babbette

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Potpourri Friday #4 & Giveaway

The inspiration from last week’s party is just overwhelming.  You all have such wonderful, creative ideas and projects.  Each of you have helped to make the party a success and I appreciate each and every one of you.


 The end of Summer...

See Post Here

See Post Here

When summer gathers up her robes of glory,
And, like a dream, glides away.
~ Sarah Helen Whitman

Now for some samples of the fabulous inspiration you had from last week!

 Jana of Collected Treasures  remade a chair covering it in pieces of lace and crochet!

Kristine at Lakeshore Cottage Living has her entrance beautifully decorated for Fall!

Henri’s Family has created a coffee table  to remember and  one with a really interesting History!

Did  Cindy at Dwellings-The Heart of the Home create a beautiful vignette or roast a savory squirrel ?  ;)

  How  to design a studio?  Take a look at
Maple and Magnolia!

Be sure to stop by to see  the Fall Mantle at Marianne’s  at Country Glamour Home.

Christi at  Three Pixie Lane   rehabbed her parents’ Dutch Secretary!

Tracy at Tracy’s Trinkets and Treasures  Pumpkin Clock creation which she made for a Charity event!

Thanks to all of you who shared your inspiration  last week!    If you were featured today, please grab the feature button on the sidebar!


This weeks  Winner   of Nell Hill’s book Feather Your Nest   and a grain-sack inspired kitchen towel  is:
Ginger Zuck of  Smalltown U.S.A.

OK!  Are you ready for this??  This week’s giveaway  is a gift from Daphne of Daphne Nicole  &  Linda Cade!    Daphne has recently opened   Daphne’s Boutique that is a beauty!  Daphne has donated one of her special handmade pillow creations!  

How to Enter
Please leave a separate comment for each Entry

1.  Be a Friend and Follower of 2805 via Google Connect.  Let me know if you are a new follower or if you are already a follower.

2.  Become a follower of Daphne and Nicole.  Leave a comment if you are a new or existing follower.

3.   Visit  Daphne’s Boutique, and come back and leave a comment as to which item you adore.

4.  Blog about this giveaway, or the party and the giveaway.

5.  Link up to Potpourri Friday Party #2.  This counts as two entries!

Party Guidelines:
1.  Be a friend and follower of  2805 via Google Connect. 2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back in the body of your post so that  others can join in the Party Fun. You must have a link back to this party or my party button in your post.   If you find your link deleted then  a link back to this party was not in your post.  Just add a link  to your post and try again.3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  or photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog.5.  Please turn off your  Word Verification.  Google does a very good job of catching spam.   Go to Settings, Click on Comments, Go to Show Word Verification?  Check “No” and Save.  6.  Please stay a while, visit other guests, just as you would at any other party, leave some comment love (we all love comments!)  and perhaps make a few new friends while you are here!

Hope you will come back next week and
Bring a Friend!
Until next time, Honey

Linking to:
Inspiration Friday At The Picket Fence
Home Sweet Home at The Charm of Home
Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Fridays Unfolded  at Stuff and Nonsense

  Let’s Party!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Coloring

Fall decorating is moving very slowly around 2805, but a wreath is up on the front porch.

Everything used was old and repurposed, beginning with  a really old grapevine wreath which might actually  qualify as vintage.   It was wrapped with an old garland


a  few gourds and berries, plus

Pumpkins,  pinecones and leaves.


Until next time, Honey
Hope you will join me for Potpourri Friday!
Linking to:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Great Pumpkins, Charlie Brown!

While poor Linus may be asking:

“Oh, Great Pumpkin, where are you?”
                                                         —Linus Van Pelt.

They are  Lighting the Night,

and on Parade.

They are masquerading in Centerpieces,

and Still  Life.

They are hiding out in Baskets,

   disguised in Velvet,

And swinging from the Chandeliers!

Until next time, Honey
P. S.   All photos are on my Pinterest Page. 
Hope you will join me for Potpourri Friday and Giveaway!

Linking to:
 Wow Me Wednesday at  Savvy Southern Style
Show & Tell at My Romantic Home
  Funky Junk Interiors
Homemaker on a Dime  


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