Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Potpourri Friday #46

Hello Everyone!  Potpourri Friday is a little 
early this week. 

I want to thank everyone for linking the beautiful posts, projects, and fabulous and fun Fall decor!

I have to be absent for a couple of weeks, but hope that you will carry on without me.  I will leave the linky party open until I return.  Please feel free to link any time you wish.  I want to keep up with every thing you are doing.  Link all your posts if your like.  
When I return there will be tons of fabulous highlights to post.

Thank you so much for your kind words and understanding!   
Keep up the terrific creativity
 and the great things you do.

I will "see" you soon!

Party Guidelines

1Be a friend and follower of  2805  Please leave a comment that your are following so I can follow you back. If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back and link up again. Without a link, you cannot be featured. 
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.   
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog. 5.  Please  turn off your  Word Verification!   

I hope you will stay a while, visit the 

other party  

guests, leave some comment love and 

make  new 

friends along the way!

Love you all!


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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Potpourri Friday #45

Welcome to Potpourri Friday!

I have been "under the weather" these past few days and on a new medication with a  lot of side effects that don't agree with me.

For that reason, the highlights from last week's party will be postponed.
I appreciate your understanding.

So, on with the party!

Party Guidelines

1Be a friend and follower of  2805  Please leave a comment that your are following so I can follow you back. If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back and link up again. Without a link, you cannot be featured. 
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.   
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog. 5.  Please  turn off your  Word Verification!    

I hope you will stay a while, visit with they other party guests, leave some comment love, and make some new friends along the way.

Until next time, Honey

Afterwards, I hope you will visit my Friday Friends.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Potpourri Friday #44

Hi everyone!  Welcome to Potpourri Friday!

You may have noticed that I have been absent most of the past week.  Over the weekend, I went to Austin, and my sister and I attended Texas Antiques Week in Warrenton/Round Top!  It was a lot different from last year when it was 106-108, with high wind blowing the dust and dirt from the drought into your eyes and mouth.  The low 90's was much better.  It even rained!  Contending with a little mud and getting totally drenched was much better alternative.

I will do a couple of posts in a few days.  But for now, let's get to some Highlights from last week.

Christie at Three Pixie Lane has completed a complete remodel of her kitchen

At Adventures in Decorating, Becca has given her breakfast nook an updated look

Debbie at Confession of a Plate Addict decorated her front porch, featuring a corn cob garland.  She also has a tutorial for the garland at link #156

 At Eclectic Vintage, Kelly's front porch is decorated for Fall, and she includes several tutorials
Fall topiary

At Nancy's Daily Dish, Nancy creates a lovely Fall tablescape wish easy-to-follow instruction on achieving the look

Bj at Sweet Nothings updates her Fall wreath

Aimee at It's Overflowing creates a unique piece for fence mantel art

Heather At the Picket Fence turned a vintage tool box into a Fall centerpiece

Kathy at Life on Lakeshore Drive gives her pumpkins some glitz

Angela at Number Fifty-Three gives her china cabinet a gorgeous makeover

Judy at Vintage Street Designs gives a buffet 
an extreme makeover

At Sweet Inspirations, JP give a vintage washstand a glamorous chic makeover

At Sophia's, Kristen unveils a classic cottage sideboard makeover

At Homey Home Designs, Jody is serving and sharing
Pumpkin Layer Cake

If you were featured this week, or at any other time, please grab the "featured" button on the sidebar for your blog.

If you "pin" any of the features, please use the link provided so that proper credit is given.

Keep in mind, that I will also be doing a
Sunday Special Edition featuring Fall decor.

I want to express my gratitude to Appliances Online who sponsored last week's party and gave a $50 Amazon gift card to one luck party link-er who used the tagline.
The winner of the $50 Amazon gift card is:

Pam of House of Hawthores

Party Guidelines

1Be a friend and follower of  2805  Please leave a comment that your are following so I can follow you back. If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back and link up again. Without a link, you cannot be featured. 
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.   
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog. 5.  Please  turn off your  Word Verification!  Pretty Please, 

I hope you will stay a while - Please don't link and 

run!  Visit with some of the guests, leave some

comment love and make some new friends 

along the way!

You can even invite a +one!

Until next time, Honey

Hoping you will visit my Friday Friends!


Have fun, visit and leave some comment love!  Wishing all a Great Weekend!

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