Saturday, June 30, 2012

Potpourri Friday #30

Hi  everyone!   Thank you so much for 
the great big 
“Welcome Back” 
you have given me in the past few days!  I have really missed everyone and feel a bit rusty joints  as I’m running late today.

Here is a rundown of my week:

A letter to you with a brief rundown of my
blog break.  More to come about my trip!

Played  with a  a picture  at Picmonkey:

And added some Patroitic touches in my 
living room.

Now for the Party! 

Party Guidelines
1. Be a friend and follower of  2805 via Google Friends Connect if your are on Blogger or  Linky Follower if you are on Wordpress or another platform.  Or both, if you prefer.   If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.
2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back"  and link up again.  Without a link back, you cannot be featured.
3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment. 
4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog.
5.  Please, please turn off your  Word Verification!  Pretty Please, With Sugar on It!

Since I’ve missed a lot, 
knock yourself out and 
show me your stuff!!!

Please stay a while,  visit with the other party guests, leave some comment love, and make some  new friends along the way!

Until next time, Honey

Hoping you will visit my Friday Friends! 

PhotobucketInspiration Friday Graphic1

vif187Feathered Nest Friday


link up every friday

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Patriotic Touch to the Living Room

My  living room/great room has taken on a Patriotic touch.  I was inspired by some of the pictures in various magazines, so the starting point was putting an antique quilt, made by my Grandmother, over the back of the sofa.

Then started layering on pillow, some of which came with the sofa, some of which I already had and added  a couple from World Market.

I left the seashell convention  in place, but made some changes to the sofa table.   Here is a hint.

Until next time, Honey

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Would You Go Through This Door?

In my absence,  a lot of things have changed:   Everyone seems to have  fresh new faces, i.e. blog headers,  and blog looks, and some new locations.  Blogger has made changes and then there is Picmonkey.   I’m beginning to think everyone but me has had a 
“Lifestyle Life”,  as seen on TV.

Today I played at Picmonkey for a while, as if there was nothing else on my plate.  Using one of the pictures from my post of a couple of days ago, I applied  a few effects.

I always like black and white and sepia

Interesting.   But seriously, 
would you go through the door below?

 Just a reminder that Potpourri Friday returns this week.  Link up beings on Thursday afternoon.  Hope to see you there.

Until Thursday afternoon  or Friday,

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Seashell Convention

Seashells – I adore them!   I can’t resist the urge to overload  my coffee table with them.  No holding back for me.  When it comes to seashells, I’m   “All  In”!

Again this year, we (my imaginary housekeeper) and  gathered them together for a Shell Convention!

A large silver clam shell was filled with beautiful, colorful shells.

More  collected shells went into a large apothecary jar.

Starfish went into another.

Using a bargain silver tray (about $2 a year or so ago),  a vintage crochet piece was layered along with a stack of blue books  to contrast with the white coral collected long ago.

Isn’t it delicate?

A coconut picked up by the sweetest little boy  many years ago brings back sweet memories.  When plucked from under the palm it was green.   Gradually it turned brown and was treated to a coat of poly.

You might have noticed the bottom book title is named  “Overboard”.   Published in  1977,  it is a blue water tale of a couple who begin an adventure that becomes terrifying when the husband awakes to find his wife missing.

Add a flicker of candlelight for a bit of nighttime ambiance.  

But something is missing…the beach.
Until next time, Honey

Dear Wonderful Friends

Dear sweet, wonderful friends.  I never, ever dreamed that I would be away from you for so long.  Thank you so much for  your kind and loving thoughts and prayers,  and your messages and emails while I was missing.   I know that you all have been busy,  creative and industrious  so I’ve missed a lot.

Here’s a quick rundown of what has gone on around 2805 since last we visited.  The bluebonnets bloomed and were glorious for the short time they lasted.

 We dodged a bullet  again.  Mr. 2805 took this picture of a funnel cloud  with his not-so-good phone, from our balcony.

 And, while I waited to see a “specialist”,  we grabbed a last minute cruise with maybe 10 days notice.  At the end  of the cruise, we had a rental car waiting and took an additional 10 day to do a couple of things on our “bucket list”.     Love it!   What else do you do while waiting around  six weeks to see a doctor?    May as well have some fun!   Where did we go?    I’ll let that be a mystery for a  few days!

 The flowers are blooming.

The  birds are chirping.

Other than that, I’ve had lots of   R& R  and am feeling 
much better!

My heart and prayers go out to all those affected by the forest fires, the new tropical storm, maybe soon to be hurricane Debbie, and to those of you undergoing  the unusual extreme heat in the Northeast.   Summer here has started with a bang…103 today.

My plans are to hold Potpourri Friday  this week, with link-up beginning on Thursday afternoon (if everyone is interested). 
Hey, I have a lot of catching up to do so get ready to  “show me your stuff”.

I’m so very happy to be back!  I’ve missed you a lot!

Until next time, Honey

Linking to How Sweet the Sound


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