
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just Say "No"

You may have noticed that Blogger has changed their format on “Word Verification”.  Instead of legible letters, which were cumbersome enough, now they are using a new  “captcha” format with illegible letters sometimes in bubbles and odd shapes,  with part of them in reverse (white on black).  To make matters worse, you have to negotiate 2 words instead of one.  It’s time consuming and often takes more than one try.  Many will just give up and not comment, so it's to your benefit  and you should received more comments.

Just say “NO” to Word Verification.

Just Say No - Word Verification

One thing blogger does well is catch spam.  In over a year I have not had a single instance of spam getting through in my comments.  You may not realize that your Word Verification is turned on.
 To turn it off,  (using the old Blogger format)  go to your Settings, Click on Comments,  scroll down almost to the bottom of the page  and it says “Show word verification  on comments”     Just mark it “No”  to turn it off!

Spread the word!   Let’s all  “Just say No”!

I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow afternoon or Friday at Potpourri Friday!

Until next time, Honey

PS!  Sue at Sullivan and Murphy  has also done a post on this issue today,  She has clear, illustrated, walk through instructions!  If you are unsure of how to turn it off or need to check to see whether or not it is on, take a look at her post, I'm On My High Horse


  1. Hear, hear! I concur!

    I never used it but shew it is cumbersome trying to leave comments, I find that after several attempts I just give up and move on - and that SO isn't my intention.

    It really is THAT annoying.

  2. I totally agree!

    I don't even know how long I went with mine on because I just didn't know about it. I've noticed a lot of newer bloggers are in the same situation.

    This is a GREAT post!
    "see" you soon!


  3. I agree--I hate that, and it seems like more, rather than less bloggers are using it:(

  4. Don't use it and find it hard to leave comments on those who do! Hate it now.

  5. Totally agree! I've used Blogger for almost 2 years and I've had ONE piece of spam and it didn't get through. Just say no! :)

  6. I agree! Blogger does do a good job of keeping out spam. When I see the dreaded word verification, I usually do move on now because sometimes I just can't read the two words.

  7. Amen to this one girl! I sometimes don't leave comments because of the verification thing.

    I think many bloggers do not realize that they can turn it off. Thanks for the info.


  8. Thanks for helping get word out. It is a very time consuming annoying thing. A lot of my newbies insist on keeping it on though. I told them it is also a comment deterrent. A lot less comments are left on blogs with WV. sigh...I hope many change their mind. Some really do not even know it is on either until we tell them. Have a great day.

  9. I agree. It's such a pain to leave a comment now with those two words and it's hard to read them. Was that really necessary? I get spam but it goes to my spam folder, so no big deal.

  10. Yes, it's a pain...I plow through it because I really want to leave comments for others, especially newbies....but it's better to not have it.

  11. I hear ya Honey...gosh it seems the older I get the harder it is to decipher the word verifications! I'd like to cry when I see them. And same here spam has gotten through to my comments section either!

  12. It make it so time consuming to leave a comment for someone it gets so frustrating! I have just given up and left without leaving a comment....I am pretty positive mine is turned off.

    Lou Cinda :)

  13. When I first started blogging I had comment moderation AND word verification but I decided I didn't need both so I got rid of the word verification. I'm glad you addressed this, it's very annoying and I have a hard time making out the letters! It took me two tries to comment on someone's blog yesterday...ugh.
    Have a fabulous day!

  14. I haven't had word verification in a long time and I don't get Spam. So I agree turn it off!! hugs, Linda

  15. Thank you for saying it like it is! This new addition is a horrible idea. There have been times that I have had to try two or three times to get it typed in correctly! What a time waster!

    I have had the verification turned off for several months on my blog. I have had no problems with any spam getting through either. I am tweeting and pinning this post to spread the word!

  16. AMEN!! I started noticing the 2 words things as well and just couldn't believe that they could make it even MORE annoying than before. LOL! Thanks for spreading the word friend! :-)

  17. YES!!!

    This new captcha is just crazy. I can't even make out the letters half the time. If it's too had to leave a comment I just don't do it.

  18. I agree, and have noticed it popping up on blogs that I don't remember having it before.

  19. I have a similar post today, as well! You can see it HERE.
    It just frustrated me to high heaven.

  20. Yes those scrambled words are so annoying! Please please please people if you have those on your blog, please consider comment moderation approval instead.


  21. so AMEN! can i copy/paste your little jewel of verification button on mine? Esther

  22. Yes! Fell free to copy and paste any of all of this post to pass the word!

  23. You are so right! I love commenting on people's blogs, but it has gotten so much harder lately! Grrrr! I have mine off!

  24. Hi. thanks for this post. I didn't know about it, and I turned mine off now thank you! blessings, Lady

  25. I agree with you 100%. Blogger catches any spam and what they call spam isn't even that bad. I have been known to skip leaving a comment when the word verification is on because it's such a pain!

  26. I wish every blogger would read this! I just visited five blogs and FOUR had this annoying verification! I almost didn't even bother commenting.

  27. I really hate it too! I hope it hasn't been changed on mine because I tried to take it out when I started blogging. It's so difficult to read those things!

  28. Thanks so much for stopping my homehappyhome. I didn't even know my word verification was on. Thanks for the heads up. I read your post and think I have mine turned off now. Thanks again!

  29. Thank you, thank you! It is such a pain to try to figure out those words, and like you said so unnecessary. I will try to spread the word too. Thanks agin, honey. XO, Pinky

  30. It almost always takes me two tries to get those words right! Makes me crazy!

  31. Thanks for sharing this Holly, I have been annoyed with this very much recently. XO, Linda

  32. I totally agree!!!

  33. I said no on my own blogs a long time ago, however a lot of people still do not seem to have got the message that word verification is such a pain. :(

  34. Thank you for this! I am prevented from leaving comments on so many deserving blogs because of the horrid captcha. I hope you influence many with your post!!!!

  35. Thank you for this! I am prevented from leaving comments on so many deserving blogs because of the horrid captcha. I hope you influence many with your post!!!!

  36. I completely agree. In some blogs it's almost impossible to post a comment, and after some trials, I normally leave without commenting.

  37. I agree completely. Just yesterday I ran into that problem while posting a comment, twice in fact. Very hard on the eyes. ;0) I made sure to turn it off on my blog.
    I noticed you're in Texas, so am I. Isn't it wonderful seeing everything budding out. LOVE the spring time!

    Just found your blog today. BTW, I am your newest follower.

    Now, going to check out the rest of your blog.

  38. I signed up with GFC and love that you have you'll follow back! I think I'll steal the idea, blogging is a community! Thanks Melissa @


Comments make me giddy!