
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Arlington National Cemetery Wreath Laying

Twenty years ago Morrill Worcester , the owner of Worcester Wreath Co. in Portland Maine, delivered 5,000 wreaths to Arlington National Cemetery.  He, along with a dozen other volunteers,  laid the wreaths on the  5,000 headstones.  It was his way of giving thanks to the nation's veterans.  The program continued with little fanfare until this picture was 
published in 2005.

      Arlington National Cemetery

 Rest easy, sleep well my brothers.
Know the line has held, your job is done.
Rest easy, sleep well.
Others have taken up where you fell, the line has held.
Peace, peace, and farewell..
                                             …Hugh Wyles

Mr. Morrell expanded his project and founded
Wreaths Across  America.   
 On December 10,  2011, 
15,000 volunteers  laid wreaths, 
trucked in by 87 big rigs from across 
America,  on  90,000  graves.

A gallery of photograhs of the 2011 wreath laying 
ceremony can be viewed at the
Washington Post web site.

What a  beautiful  tribute, put together by an amazing and thoughtful  man, to honor our Nation’s fallen.

Until next time,  Honey


  1. Takes my breath away, my great grandfather and uncle buried are buried there. Thank you for sharing. Di

  2. That picture gives me chills. How amazing!


  3. Wow! What a beautiful sight to see.
    Thanks for your post.

    Happy Holidays!

  4. What a gesture of love and thanksgiving!

  5. How impressive. The poem strikes my heart...for those who never got to witness the end of their battles. andrea@townandprairie

  6. Beautiful photo and beautiful post...thank you Honey!!!

  7. I did not know this story, Honey. Thanks for sharing. What an inspiring photo.

  8. Such a beautiful photo Honey. Thanks so much for sharing and for reminding us who our real heros are.
    Marianne :)

  9. My Dad is buried in a National Cemetery in Houston, TX and I just found out they do some of the wreaths there. So touching! hugs, Linda

  10. This is the most beautiful Christmas decorating I have ever seen. I am sitting here with total goosebumps. I am so in awe of one man's thoughtfulness. Thank you so much for sharing this. I am off to share this post on my facebook page, I hope you don't mind. Everyone should know this. Thanks, again, and Merry Christmas.

  11. I love this way of giving honor to those that deserve it so much. And, I love that you thoughtfully shared it here.

  12. Absolutely breathtaking. I'm so glad someone has taken up the mantle of honoring our fallen.

  13. An amazing photo! Special words by Hugh Wyles too!

  14. How incredibly beautiful. I've seen news reports about this in other years, but we cannot see it enough or thank our service members enough.

  15. Sonny,

    Thanks for sharing this. What a beautiful tribute to our heroes. I lost my oldest brother the day before I was born. He was in the Korean War. My Mother said I was her "God given" child because taking care of a new baby kept her from grieving herself to death.

    Merry Christmas!

  16. my heart has been touched...such a beautiful hugs to all...


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