
Sunday, October 2, 2011

September Happy Dance

It seems to me that the months are just  flying by since I began dancing with this  guy in the blogging public.  Now, it’s a habit.  So here goes:

My Happy Dance

 Have you noticed how he points in toe, and I don't? 

This month Penny of the Comforts of Home awarded me a $25.00 Gift Card to Amazon!
Now that’s something to do a happy dance for!

Potpourri Friday Party launched on 
September 1.  If you haven't done so, please come check it out!  Such fun and inspiration!

Mandy, The Project Queen awarded me a Versatile Blogger Award.

My sister and I went to the Warrenton/Round Top Antiques Show  and had a great time together!

Until next time, Honey


  1. I have a similar photo of myself ready to tango in BA - and noticed the same thing. I do believe the man had nice legs than I!

  2. Stop by and collect another award.
    Have a great day.


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