
Monday, September 5, 2011

Raging Firestorms

Whipped by winds from the backside of Tropical Storm Lee,  over 60 raging firestorms sprang up across Texas Sunday afternoon, the largest and worst of these was in Bastrop  which is just East of Austin in the area of Texas called the Piney Woods.


So far the Bastrop fire has consumed  20,000 acres  and has destroyed  at least 400 homes  . The Texas Forest Service reported the fire is at least 16 miles long and four miles wide.  (Over 3.6 million acres of Texas have burned this year.)

Both my sister and her hubby  and my niece, her hubby and their three little girls  live in different areas of  Bastrop, both  homes surrounded by tall pine trees.   Both families were ordered to evacuate.   One of the firefighters, a friend of my niece’s family,  notified them about 7:00 p.m. Sunday night  that their home had burned to the ground.

Late last night, residents of the Colony, the neighborhood where my sister lives. were allowed back in.  Other than a singed yard, there doesn’t appear to be any more damage.

Photos from KVUE - TV in Austin

Mother nature has certainly been tough of the U.S. in the past couple of weeks.  Lets keep all of those affected by earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes, tropical storms and fires in out prayers.

Until next time, Honey

Update:  Here


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your neice's home! Please keep us posted on how they are all doing. Praying that rains will come to Texas!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about this sad very sorry that this has hit your heart goes out to your niece and her family. Now I feel really bad about being down about all this rain that we are's just some water and I am so blessed to still have my home.


  3. Honey, I was so sad to read this, my heart goes out to all of you, sending prayers and blessings. I hope rains come your way. (((hugs))) xo

  4. I'm so sorry to hear your niece lost her home! These are incredible pictures. I'm glad everyone is safe at least. I hadn't heard about the fires. Terrible.

  5. Oh, my friend, I am so sorry about your family losses. May you & all those in this path be safe from harm. Hopefully the fires will be quelled.

    Have a blessed day ~
    TTFN ~

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your nieces home. But thankful to hear that none of them were hurt. Hopefully rain will come soon.

  7. So sorry about your nieces home. How devastating! Please wish her and her family well as they begin rebuilding! Take care.

  8. Our prayers are with all those affected. So sad.

  9. Oh dear Honey,

    I'm so sorry this tragedy has struck your family. The photos are frightening. Your niece is in my prayers.

    I'm an official follower now.

    Sami from Pontifical's Porch

  10. This is just horrible.. I've been wishing TS Lee would have gone west to Texas but not to be.. it's amazing how some states are flooded and poor Texas and OK are drying and burning...
    Sending all the good thoughts I can muster to your family and anyone involved!

  11. I almost didn't read this. My home province, British Columbia, has so many fires per year that I'm afraid to read about them.
    SO sorry about your niece's home, but so glad they were warned to evacuate before any of them were hurt.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  12. I am so very sorry about their home. My cousin & her family had to evacuate yesterday...they remain in a hotel. My heart goes out to all, including the firefighters. It's just been earth, wind & fire with weather!


  13. What a nightmare for everyone in the vicinity. I certainly feel for your niece and her family - what a terrible loss. Thank goodness they got out, but to lose everything is beyond belief for most of us. Here on Vancouver Island, where we live in the woods, we live with worry all summer, and cringe when we hear the sirens of the fire trucks. We've put a steel roof on the house, but if there's a wildfire all we can really do is leave.

  14. Oh, I am so sorry for your niece! What a tremendous loss. We will be keeping everyone in our prayers!

  15. Honey, I am so sorry to hear about your neice's home. It is so sad how devastated our beautiful state is right now. We desperately need some rain... not, some rain, but a really good slow steady flow. Thank you for your prayers. blessings ~ tanna

  16. I'm so sorry to know that this is going on, I've been watching the news, and was hoping that Lee would swing west and give all of us that need the rain some real relief. My prayers are with you all. xo Debra

  17. I'm so sorry to hear that, but very glad they were not there. I'm always in prayer for the families dealing with such destruction.

  18. Honey, I pray your family will be ok! How scary is this!! Mother Nature is just down right mean right now! It's just crazy!

  19. Oh Honey, my thoughts and prayers for your family. I am so afraid of fire and water. I hope they get the fires out.

  20. Texas has been in my prayers lately...what with the drought and heat and now the fires. I know only too well what that mixture can be living in Southern California at the foot of the mountains...there is always fire danger and they can be horrible.

  21. It is just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry for your niece and her family.

  22. I had no idea about the fire's until today. I am so sorry to hear about your family and their loss, along with all of the others who have lost homes. They are all in my prayers.

  23. Holy Moly, those fires are scary! How awful to lose your home to one. I'm so sorry that happened. I will keep them all in my thoughts...


  24. This is just awful to hear and to see this horrible disaster. Thank God your family is OK. My thoughts and prayers are with all at this time.

  25. I am so, so sorry about the fire and the damage. How very horrible to deal with this now after all of the drought problems.

  26. I am so sorry to hear about your nieces home ~ I will keep all of them in my prayers.

  27. My aunt and uncle have just been evacuated from their home in Smithville and 3 homes of other members of my family are gone up in the flames. We are still waiting to hear from other family how they are doing. So far no deaths or casualties which is a blessing!

  28. Oh my! Your niece is in my prayers and praise for their safety. Praise the Lord that they were evacuated in time to get out.

  29. Oh No !
    Your nieces loss their homes. Im so sorry to hear this.You are all in are Pray's !! Thank God you are all OK. My nicec has a home in Austin and a good friend in Brenham this is East of Austin. We need rain right now. All of us down by the Gulf Coast of Texas are sending Pray's your way...

  30. This is so awful! I live 1 hour west of Fort Worth where the Possum Kingdom fires have been. It was a big fire, but nothing like this! My hearts go out to those affected! So sad! We REALLY need rain here in Texas! The east coast is flooding while we are burning. You are right about Mother Nature, she isn't happy right now!


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