
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

August Happy Dance

August slipped past in a hurry, so it may be a few days late, but it’s Happy Dance Time!

By now you are familiar with my dance partner from Buenos Aires.  I discovered he is a rogue, dancing with many of you in Blog Land

Why am I doing a happy dance?   It all started when I won when  $40 gift card to Nancy’s Daily Dish from sweet  Pat of Gypsy Heart!   Does she ever have a big heart!

It took me a while to make a selection, but all will be revealed soon.  Stay tuned.

Then,  I won a Ramsign house number from the most delightful Kathy at A Delightsome Life.

But mine will say 2805.

So am I lucky, or what?   Last week I won a giveaway from Linda of Coastal Charm.   Linda is the hostess the very popular Nifty, Thrifty Tuesday Party.   These beautiful starfish frames and a $40 Pottery Barn gift card It was donated by  Laura   at B & B’s Nest.

Sherry, of The Charm of Home featured my vintage kitchen scale at her Home Sweet Home Party.

You can see and read about my vintage kitchen scale here.
I am absolutely delighted  and honored to take her Featured Button and place it on my Blog.

Finally, the last week of August, I was preparing for my first Potpourri Friday Party that made it’s debut on September 1.  You made it a wonderful success.   Hope you will all join me for this week’s party with link-up beginning on Thursday afternoon.

If you missed it, hope  you will even take a look at

August was another fun-filled month for me and I’m so grateful to each of you for your friendship.  I may not win giveaways or be featured, but I will always be doing a Happy Dance just because I’m here. 

Until next time, Honey


  1. You sure have been busy. Congrats on all the lovely wins and that your party was a great success. Take care.

  2. Oh, and those scales have red! I haven't happened upon any with red.

  3. Congratulations, Honey, on all your fabulous wins! The address sign is wonderful, and I noticed a couple of blogs had the Ram Sign giveaway. xo,

  4. wow! you are lucky!! wanna send a bit of that over to me please? I could use a bit of luck!!
    Enjoy your wonderful gifts!!

  5. Lucky Honey!! Send your luck to Texas! I've not stopped in for along while, been away for the summer. Happy I dropped in!


  6. Wow! Congrats on the terrific week! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Yay Honey, Way to go!!! Maybe you should play the lottery.... So glad for you. Hugs, LJ

  8. Congratulations, Honey, on a lucky and successful August! I would be doing a Happy Dance, too! :D

  9. What an incredible lucky lady you are. Have you bought a lotto ticket lately? How awesome and you got some really great things. Congratulations! you deserve to be happy dancing! Dance the night away.

  10. All those wins! Now that's fun! And, the feature too...congrats!


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