
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Botanical Potpourri

Last year I made some homemade potpourri, but in the form of using larger botanicals instead of the smaller pieces we normally think of potpourri of being.

The components were purchased in bulk quantities and then put together in sacks which I used for gifts.

The starting point was rose hips, which I flavored with orange and spice essential oils. 
After the fragrance melded together, I used
1-1/2  cups of rose hips at the bottom of each sack, and then piled in the dried botanicals.

Botanicals used included dried artichokes, pomegranates, quince, 

 red repen flowers, cedar roses, lotus pods,

 plumosum stars, protea flowers, and a few others.

 It’s not only pretty for Fall, but the fragrance is nice too!

Many in Blogland are thinking Fall.  It’s difficult for me with the temps we have had all Summer, but if you plan on creating your own personal  concoction of potpourri, it’s time to get started to give the essential oils time to blend.

I hope you will join me for
Potpourri  Friday
on September 2.

I would be delighted if you would grab my party button, spread the word and join me!


  1. Honey, this botanical potpourri is lovely! It usually costs $20 or more a bag in dept. stores. I think your linky party sounds like fun! I am planning to attend, depending on what goes on here with Hurricane Irene. xo,

  2. So perfectly Fall Honey!
    I look forward to joining your party! *winks* Vanna

  3. Okay, something weird just happened. I left a comment, but then the post changed. Anyway, can't remember all I wrote. But it made me think of the time my son-in-law was watching the little ones and my granddaughter ate the potpourri.

  4. Your potpourri is gorgeous... makes me want to try my hand at making it.
    Looking forward to your party, I grabbed your button for my side bar,and will post about it soon.

  5. Love the compote that it is in. I really like the color that the artichokes brings to it!

  6. I love all kinds of Pot Pourri and often make something like this myself. The scent sounds divine too!

    Best wishes,

    PS Your Party sounds fun!

  7. This is so pretty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  8. It is so beautiful. I would love to make some, is it expensive to do? Thanks for sharing this. I love it.

  9. Just beautiful and the smell must be wonderful.

  10. Very nice. It's fun to have yourself and such a lovely gift.

  11. Beautiful and I think I can smell those essential oils coming through my computer screen....heavenly!

  12. your mix looks and sounds like it smells divine...thanks for linking up to fridays unfolded!


  13. So pretty - on my list to try.

  14. Honey, This is beautiful and sounds like it would smell dreamy. Where do you buy the large botanicals in bulk. Did you get them online. I have never seen them. I really would like to make this for gifts.
    The button is in a place of honor.
    Hugs, Ginger

  15. Love this - it looks fallish but not hard core fall. I will join you next Friday - Jennifer

  16. Planning to join your party Honey. Love the larger pieces for the potpourri. Longing for fall.

  17. I love to smell wonderful scents in my home. This is pretty and I bet it smells good. I'll go and check out your party info and I marked my schedule for it! Thanks for joining HSH!

  18. Looks so pretty. Thanks for linking up!

  19. The potpourri looks great! Love all the dried elements. I've been a longtime lover of potpourri - even after the smell is gone I love the way it looks in a dish,etc.


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