
Monday, January 24, 2011

Really Thrify Find & Giveaway Reminder

Giveaway  Reminder:  $30 Your Choice Gift Card
 Usually I don’t attend many garage sales since I don’t get out early enough to get anything but the leftovers, or am on my way somewhere and just don’t have time to stop and look.
Looks what I found!! 
A shoebox of Silverplate!!  I grabbed it up quickly since it looked like there could be some really good pieces  among the tarnish and corrosion.  Some even looked as if they had been run over by a trashing machine or dug up in the garden.
Silver 004
There hasn’t been enough time to clean & polish all of them yet, but  moi did clean up a few to show you an example.
Silver 015
   When they are all cleaned up,  I’ll show you more.  Just couldn’t pass up a chance to show these off.
All of that pink reflection is from… I confess, my pajamas!

Now, be sure to check  out my $30.00 Your Choice Gift Card Giveaway…Home Depot or Hobby Lobby.  Stop in and Nannette and Babbette will give you the details.   Just please don’t say that I called them Vintage Thingies.  They would really be upset if they knew.  They're sensitive.
I am linking to the following parties.  Please stop by and thank the gracious hostesses, make some friends and leave some comment love for the hostesses and guests.  We all love comments, don’t we!
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Thrifty Thursday @ Tales From Bloggeritaville
Junkin' Finds Friday @ A La Carte
Colorado Lady on Thursday
Hugs, Honey


  1. Beautiful silverware - lucky you - I have been on the hunt for some time now and have only found a few pieces - you hit the jackpot!!

  2. What an awesome THRIFTY find...they are very hit the jackpot on these goodies! Thanks so much for coming to NTT!


  3. Oh Honey you did GREAT girl..don't you love it when you find a treasure...Hugs and smiles my Dear friend..Gloria

  4. Wow, I'm like you I never think I can get up early enough and never have cash on hand either. Good job.

  5. Awesome finds!!! I'm loving the 2 knives on the right...very unique!

  6. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE old silverware AND it ALWAYS follows me home! Oh the ones you polished are So Pretty and I'm LOVIN the fancy butter knife with the pick thingy handle. LOVE IT!!!
    Hugs to you,

  7. What a find Honey!!! I so would love to have found all the silverware!

  8. You took a chance on all this silver plate. However, from these pieces you have cleaned, you did very well in the purchase. I really like the little butter knives on the end.

  9. Great thrifty find. I cannot pass up silver without buying it. If I'm within ten feet of it, I buy it!

  10. What a great find! Love to see all the different silver patterns. And something can always be used!

  11. fabulous find! I just found a box of silverplate in my Dad's storage unit. He looked at me and said, "oh, I didn't know you would be interested in those". HELLO?!

  12. WHat a great find! It is very hard around here to find these types of things, I never see them for sale. I love that you found a box of great ones! Happy VTT!

  13. I collected ones from Germany Austraila and here in the states. Mine are mixed matched but I use them everyday. Love them!

  14. I love using silver flatware. I understand that some people don't like using is because it must be polished ~ but stainless is never as pretty. I actually enjoy polishing the silver. Great find!!

    Susan and Bentley

  15. That camera is so cute...THANKS for the invite for your giveaway!
    Have a great week...

  16. OMgosh I would have snapped up the silver plate too, if they are too mangled you can make some fun jewelry from those pieces.

  17. There are some pretty patterns there, I agree with LV, I really like the butter knives on the end. A lot of work, but looks like it's worth it.

  18. What a find! There are some really great patterns in there.

    ~ Tracy

  19. Great find! They look so pretty all polished up!

  20. What a great find! What I could do with some of those spoons!! Well I am always on the hunt for deals like these!! Hugs!

  21. You really found some beauties among the silver already. That butter knife is amazing. Thanks for joining JFF! hugs, Linda

  22. What marvelous shapes those butterknives are! Great find!

  23. Hi. Visiting from Ala Carte. Love your silverplate!
    ~ Julie

  24. How nice! I love silver and I reaaaallly love coming home with a box of mystery goodies!

  25. Wow, you found some lovelies and they shined up good too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  26. Oh Honey what a great find!! I never seem to be able to score any good must be allergic to me *winks* Vanna

  27. What an awesome find. Girl you really did good. Some of those polished pieces are so unique. You will have fun with these. Hugs, Ginger

  28. Oh what pretty goodies!

  29. nice to meet you honey!!
    i checked out your church steeple post and quebec city. im thinking i was on the same cruise 3 years ago. we were supposed to stop in charlottetown but were re-routed to st john newfoundland.... which was also beautiful
    i live about 15 minutes from cavendish in the middle of the island in hunter river. one of those churches looks familiar.
    i have only lived here since september so theres much exploring to do !
    old quebec city was awesome yes?!!

    ~laura x

  30. Lucky you! What an awesome find! That looks like a lot of pieces in that box. The pieces you have already cleaned look beautiful. Thank you for linking your fabulous find to Favorite Things. laurie


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