
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Le Mont St. Michel

July 14th is a French Holiday,  La Fete National,  or Bastille Day as it is referred to in English speaking countries.   In honor  of the holiday,  perhaps it is a good time to show you a few photos of  Le Mont St. Michel, which were taken last year.  I will not go into it's long and storied history,  but will show  just a few of the  pictures of the trek
 up to the Abbey.
The first picture is  a scan of a picture postcard. As much fun as it would have been to be in a helicopter taking this picture, 
it is not mine.

Editions d'Art

Inside the walls of the Mont are rows of shops, hotels,  cafes and chapels.  It was very crowded the day we visited as it was on yet another French holiday.

There is a causeway, but some choose to hike to the Mont  through the mud  flats during the low tide.

It's a wonderful place to see!  We were fortunate to have a crisp clear (although quite nippy) day. Hoping you enjoyed 
the little tour!

 Toujours, Honey 
Linking to:
Make it Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House
Wow at Savvy Southern Style



  1. I did not know that place existed! I'm adding it to my bucket list!!

  2. Went there in the mid 90s and LOVED IT -probably the best place we visited.

    I know I couldn't walk the whole way up like I did last time, though - I am way too out of shape and lots older, haha.

    I am so happy you visited there, too. One of my very favvie places ever.

    As far as walking in low tide - nope, we did a tour bus through the causeway.

    Enjoyed your post, thank you!!

  3. We were in Paris this year for the first time...I hope I can go back to France one day so I'm putting this beautiful place on my list!

  4. What a beautiful spot - picture postcard perfect. I'd love to walk across the mud flats at low tide too.

  5. Hubby and I loved this place though we did lose the rental car in the parking lot. Do you have any idea how many white fiats there are in France?

  6. Oh, how charming and romantic! Thanks for sharing your lovely pics. What a treat to have visited there...hope to go someday too. I'd take the mud flats walk instead of the causeway. Love the red door against the stone in one of your photos. :)

  7. It is other worldly in it's beauty.

  8. I have always been fascinated with the tidal flow and it isolation at times. It is extremely beautiful.

  9. Your post is really lovely today! I enjoyed the visit and wish you a beautiful week!

  10. How absolutely beautiful - I'm sure the pictures don't even do it's beauty justice! I love that picture of the red doors!

  11. Gorgeous. I love this images and I adore the architecture. I love the red doors too and the flowers. Thanks for sharing this post.


  12. It is a very beautiful spot. Thanks for sharing it with us Honey.

  13. Spotting one of my ALL time favorite fantasy places lured me over here from Cajun Delights. GLAD I came! Quite a nice blog you have here. PLUS I got to see beyond the post card shot which is all I knew. You took me inside a dream!

    Wishing YOU a sweet week
    with Aloha, from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

  14. What fantastic pictures! Thanks for sharing!

    The Darjeeling Darlings

  15. La Mont so amazing; simply stunning I hope to visit one day!

    I think you will like my new Giveaway from Royal Design Stencils..

    Art by Karena

  16. Oh yes, I enjoyed the tour, I felt like I was there..but of course that's how nice your photo's were..what a lovely place. So interesting and I love the beautiful buildings and all the walking places..very nice!

  17. I so wish I was there right now! I'm stopping by from a blog hop and am a new follower, I would love if you came to say hi and followed me back at

  18. Gorgeous! Wow I am excited that you shared this wonderful adventure with us. Hugs, Linda

  19. What lovely place and photography this is! Thanks for taking me there.I am your newest follower,do drop a while at mine.

  20. These photos are divine. We are planning a trip to France this fall and I can't wait.

  21. We were never able to make it when we were in the know always running a million miles an hour and can't take a few hours out of our day...someday we will learn....I really wanted to go there and so glad you posted these beautiful pictures so I can feel like I made it! Love your blog!

  22. Mmmm, gorgeous! Jealous much? Why yes, I am!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Jeannine @ The Concrete Cottage

  23. Looks like a wonderful place to visit!

  24. One of my favorites! We spent the night there and went out on the causeway at dusk to watch the lights come on. They come on gradually, lighting up each part of the mont individually...fabulous! Now I need to go back! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  25. Last September we rode our bicycles from the top (started at the English Channel) to the bottom (ended at the Mediterranean Sea) of France. We ran out of days before the ride to make it to this historic site. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.

  26. I got to go there 10 years ago, loved it. My hubby and I plan on going next summer. Can't wait.

  27. What a glorious photo tour, and look at that red door on the church--fabulous! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  28. Just lovely! Sighing! Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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