
Friday, July 6, 2012

Potpourri Friday #31

I hope you had a safe and wonderful
Independence Day!

You really welcomed me back in a big way last week, and I thank you!  We had a terrific party and you really knocked it out of the park with so many terrific entries!

A  review of my week went this way:

A macro picture taken in Funchal.  I hope you will take time to read the verse. 

I reworked my sofa table to give it a bit of a Patriotic feel.

 The "Sweet Land of Liberty" post contained of poignant quote.

Last night hubby and I went to a fireworks show.
 Thank you so much for your participation in Potpourri Friday!  There were so many wonderful highlights from last week, it was really hard to choose.  Here are some of the highlights from last week. 

 Step into the entryway at 

I want a recycled table
like the one at Dewdrop Gardens!

See the fabulous succulent wreath and tutorial at  One More Time!

Take a walk through the lovely gardens at 

You can almost smell the fragrance of Lavender
at the Summer Porch!

Take a drive by Little Miss Maggie to see her curb appeal.

Come see and set on the sun porch at

Learn how to make French pots at

 Audrey at Timeless Treasures
builds a number staircase display!

Learn  how to make a Yankee Doodle hanky noodle (yes noodle) wreath at

 Be Book Bound  teaches how to make
Rustic Bread!

If you were featured, feel free to grab the  "featured" button located on the sidebar and post it on your blog.

If you plan to "pin" any of the features this week,  please go to the link provided so that proper credit is given! 

Now for the party!

 Party Guidelines

1Please Be a friend and follower of  2805 via Google Friends Connect if your are on Blogger or  Linky Follower if you are on Wordpress or another platform.  Or both, if you prefer.   If you have become a follower and I have not received a follow back, please email me.

2.  Please post the Party Button, located on  the sidebar, or a text link back to my blog in the body of your post .  If you find your link deleted, please up in a "link back"  and link up again.  Without a link back, you cannot be featured.

3.  Since Potpourri is a mixture or assortment, you may link up your creative posts on décor, gardening,  DIY projects,  crafts,  recipes,  thrifty finds,  photography, etc.  Potpourri is a mixture or assortment.

4.  Please link the url of the specific post which you are linking, not the url for your blog.

5.  Please, please turn off your  Word Verification!  Pretty Please, With Sugar on It!

Since I'm still trying to catch up after my absence, 
Knock Yourself Out and 
Show meYour Stuff! 

Please stay a while, visit with the other party guests (this is a party!!) , and leave some comment love.  It's a great way to meet some new friends along the way!

Until next time,

Hoping you will visit my Friday Friends! 

PhotobucketInspiration Friday Graphic1

vif187Feathered Nest Friday


link up every friday


  1. Honey, So glad to be here! You and I have both been on extended breaks.... I have so much visiting to catch up from last week's party. Hope all is well on your end. We are trying to stay cool! Yikes, I don't like temps in the 100° range. ~ Sue

  2. what gorgeous features! Have a happy weekend Honey!

  3. Thank you Honey for the Yankee Doodle Hanky Noodle feature, and say that 3 times fast if you can!

    I'm in great company, fantastic features for your return.


  4. Thank you Honey for featuring me. It's a pleasure to be included with so many other beautiful features. And, I've just link up again! :)
    Thank you for hosting sweetie.
    Hugs Rosemary...xo

  5. Honey,
    Your flower photo is fabulous - and so true! Nothing can compare to the beauty in nature!

    Sounds like you had a fabulous week and a great 4th full of fireworks!

    Thanks so much for featuring my foyer!

  6. Hey there Honey, so many great features from last week! just linked up, thanks so much for hosting, glad you're back!

  7. Honey,

    Great features! Thanks for hosting the party :)


  8. Honey, Thank you so much for featuring my succulent wreath! All your features are so beautiful....can't wait to be able to go visit them! Thanks again I am honored!

  9. Honey, I just today found your blog and linked my Friday post into your Potpourri Friday. I do hope my posting will mesh in with all the beautiful decorator/idea blogs who are featuring. I want to meet new people and increase my following as well.

    Thank you,
    Libby @ Beauty Without Within

  10. Fabulous features! Hope you had a great 4th! Thank you for hosting and for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  11. Thanks so much for hosting Honey, have a great weekend! Awesome features!!

  12. Great features Honey! So glad to you back blogging again!

  13. Honey, Welcome back!! ... I somehow missed your party last week, but now I'm here partying ;)Greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  14. I'm so honored to be featured in your wonderful party,Honey! You made me smile:)Thank you so much! I loved your patriotic sofa table vignette,the blue transferware pitcher is a beauty and the vintage grain sack adds a wonderful charm to your patriotic vignette. Thanks for the inspiration:) Have a great weekend!Hugs,Poppy

  15. Hello Honey - You've had a busy week! Love the features - so many wonderful things to see! I am glad you're back and appreciate you hosting,

  16. I joined your party today, thank you so much for hosting it! I am also a new follower! Penny

  17. Hi Honey,
    Love the picture of the bee and flower.
    Thanks so much for hosting~Have a fabulous week.

  18. Love the features, Honey! Thanks so much for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

  19. Fun features, Honey. Thanks for hosting.

  20. So much fun and inspiration, Honey! Thanks so much for featuring my sunporch!

  21. Great features and lots of inspiration. Thank you for the invite. I just linked up.

  22. Welcome back! That wreath is amazing! Thanks for hosting :)

  23. Happy 4th of July week...glad you're back! Thanks for hosting the party!!!

  24. Thanks for hosting a great July party! Welcome back...Lots of wonderful features!


  25. This party is lots of fun! I love the diversity! hugs, Linda

  26. Honey, thanks for the email. I had no idea it was Thursday. It has been that crazy here. Thanks for hosting, Olive

  27. Hi Honey! I want a piece of that rustic bread! That staircase display looks cool, too. I missed that one this week so will have to check it out. Thanks for hosting!

  28. Hi Honey, such beautiful and inspirations at this party. Great features and thanks for hosting.

    the French Hutch

  29. Thanks for hosting, Honey! Wonderful features. Have a good weekend!
    Hugs, Cindy

  30. Hi Honey, Great features and I love your transferware pitcher. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  31. Fun features and lots of great posts again this week. I'm off to visit as many as I can tonight. Thanks for hosting.

  32. Hi Honey- glad to be joining the party this week. hope you had a great 4th.

  33. Great features! Thank you for hosting. Wishing you a great day!

  34. you ahve a good bunch of features this week I am going to check a few out , love the little chest full of flowers I would put that in my house \
    also stay cool today we are to reach 105 however my thermometer always says higher

    glad your back

  35. Love your Potpourri party, always inspires me to write a potpourri post about a little of this and that - hope y'all have a great weekend, and thanks for hostessing the party. Hugs ~ Mary

  36. Hi Honey!
    When I made my link I got an error message so I did it again and now I have three entries and I can't remove them. Sorry. Thank you for hosting.

  37. Fabulous features! Thank you for hosting such great talent at your parties.

  38. Honey,
    Your blue and white transfer ware pitcher is beautiful!Thank you for hosting.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  39. So nice to be at your party again!
    Blessings, Lorraine

  40. Thanks so much for hosting and a special thank you for featuring me. I'll grab your button. It's nice to have you back in blogland.

  41. Thanks so much for the invitation Honey -
    Had a problem with linky - an error - and then it posted the link twice - sorry about that!!!
    Have a wonderful wknd

  42. Oh and forgot to say what gorgeous features - can't wait to browse!
    And thanks for hosting - I'm all over the place today, lol

  43. Hi Honey, welcome back! So glad to join in your wonderful party again! Great features, as always! Thanks for hosting and have a fun weekend!

  44. Hi Honey, I'm so glad your back. Thanks for hosting and visiting my blog and leaving kind words. Have a wonderful weekend. Peggy~PJH Designs

  45. So glad to have you back Honey.The party is just as fabulous as before!
    You are a fantastic hostess!

  46. Hi Honey; so glad you have time to host. Wonderful features. Hope everyone in your family is fine. Love your party.

  47. Hello! It's hard to say "Hello Honey" bc that's my husbands name on my blog and HE IS a HONEY!! :) I do like that name! Thanks for visiting me and inviting me over to your party, I found many new ideas from all your wonderful party goers :) I am a new linky friend and will be adding your button to my blogs that I follow and party with.
    Wonderful blog you have here!
    Sheila @ Blissfully Shabby

  48. Thank you for the invitation to participate in your Party! Have a fabulous day.

  49.'re home! Yeah! Thanks for hosting and the great features you selected. Have a great weekend!

  50. I'm so honored for the feature! thank you!!! xoox

  51. Honey I am stopping by to tell you that I have nominated you for The Sunshine Award for being such an inspiration in the blogoshere!
    Stop by Dolly Is Cooking to grab it and have a great day!!!

  52. Wow, great linky party!!! So many wonderful blogs to visit! I am your newest follower!


Comments make me giddy!