
Thursday, December 8, 2011

“O Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum

O   Tannenbaum, O Tannenbaum”
My Grandmother  always sang this song in German when she
was in the Christmas Spirit,
Which didn’t always have to be at Christmas.

So this time of year,  I find myself humming
 this song
(Humming since I can’t carry a tune 
and don’t know the words, especially
Not in German.)
With this song in my head, our 
tannenbaum is decorated.

The ornaments are old.  The are not expensive, or shiny or precious antiques.  They are nicked, worn and loved.

Victorian  Carolers &  Skaters,


Horse  drawn Vehicles, an Auto
(all of which have working wheels).

A selection of little Shops and
Red and Green Books with actual pages.

Topped off with a Big,  Red  Bow

Crowded around  is a little rocking chair, which has rocked many miles, but now holds a teddy bear.

And a sleigh with more bears.

These timeless little treasures, loved by my family,  work well together, 
especially  since the tree  is near my 
Antique  Grand Piano.

Reflected in the Armoire

With lights,

 Or  without…

My heart sings  “O Tannnenbaum”

Until next time, Honey

I am participating in and hosting the
Blogger’s Block Christmas Tree Party!
The Link is up and will continue to be live through
December  17!
There is a $100 Pottery Barn Gift Card  Giveaway!!
christmas block partylggraphic


  1. Oooh how beautiful everything is!... I love all of your precious ornaments, lovingly worn, and filled with precious memories of Christmases past... your tree looks so beautiful reflected in your window and your mirror... and the little bears look adorable waiting underneath the tree for Santa... I am linking to your party today, thank you for hosting it... xoxo Julie Marie

  2. Honey, what a gorgeous room! This is like a picture in a well-loved Christmas book! So many of your precious Christmas memories captured in one space! I won't even try to pick one favorite thing...I just love it all! Thanks for sharing and hosting the party!

  3. Beautiful. I just love the deep rich colors and how elegant it is.

  4. Oh my goodness, this is gorgeous. I love all your vintage ornaments. Your pictures are breath taking.. I'm linking to your party darling.. thank you so much for hosting. I'm not sure if the linky thing is up yet or I"m missing it or if it comes up later.. hugs ~lynne~

  5. Sometimes the old ornaments are the best! Very pretty tree, love the red bear too. Laura Cottage and Broome

  6. Goodness, Honey. I forgot today would be showing trees.

    I love your meme....but I only have a vignette. Wanted you to know.

    Barb ♥

  7. Your house looks stunning, magazine worth, ready for the holidays. I love your gorgeous tree and pretty ornies, specially next to such beautiful piano. I love that elegant santa in one of your end tables. I have a tree I did on my last post, should I enter it? Thanks for hosting and Merry Christmas. FABBY

  8. Oh my! what a lovely room. Belongs in a magazine..I adore your little wooden cute! A Grandmother who sings away during the holidays is a Grandmother who also makes the best Christmas cookies..

  9. Oh Honey everything looks beautiful!! Those are my kinda Christmas ornaments too...Well loved with tons of memories attached *winks* Vanna

  10. What a pretty tree! I love having old ornaments with lots of memories. Your whole room is beautiful. I love that song also! Thanks for hosting this part of the block party! hugs, Linda

  11. Your tree is magnificent and your photos are stunning.
    I also LUST after your beautiful chandy. O is so pretty.

  12. What a beautiful Christmas room! You have very similar colors to our Living Room. I love it! :)


  13. Honey,
    Your tree is gorgeous as well as your antique grand piano! I especially like the photo of your tree with the reflection of the lights in the window.

  14. Your tree and ornaments are just beautiful, Honey! It really suits this room wonderfully!

  15. What a charming the sentimental accents. Love the photo peeking through the grand piano! Lovely!

  16. Simply gorgeous! This is why I am one of your're so talented!

    Sharon @ mrshinesclass

  17. What a wonderful tree. All those treasured ornaments make it more special. Everything looks so pretty.
    I am happily singing with you!
    Thank you for sharing.

  18. Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your Christmas!

  19. So its settled, next year, you can host Christmas ;)
    Just beautiful!

  20. Your tree is magnificent! Your room so warm and beautiful you would just want to sit forever and drink in all the beauty!
    ♥ Jil

  21. Hi Honey,

    WOW! Beautiful Christmas tree and gorgeous room you have!!!


  22. Gorgeous! Great ornaments.

  23. Oh, Honey honey, sugar sugar! :)
    You tree is gorgeous! Your home is gorgeous! Look at your sweet little things underneath! :) You've really done some pretty Christmasing! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  24. Gulp. Beautiful tree, decorations, piano (drooling, love pianos especially grands or baby grands or uprights or . . . ) Seriously - what a lovely tree and room and great great photos. I see your note, "comments make me giddy!" I guess it's catching?! I'm pinking by 4's today since I'm link #104. Happy Pink Saturday and glad I got to stop by on a four! Thanks, Jenn

  25. What wonderful home .The color are so rich Happy PS. Laura

  26. Everything is just dazzlingly beautiful - my favorite being the teddy bears. Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. OMG! Where did you get those little ornaments of the lady and man in the cars and the horse drawn carriage? I have them too!!! I got them from my mom when she died. They belonged to her. I was thinking of using them this year too :)

    Would love to know where they came from.

    Your house is beautiful! It does look like a model home in a magazine. Just lovely!

  28. Honey I love your complete post of your Tree and home and the wonderful memories it holds, the ornaments and the red bear in the rocker are icing on the cake! My ornies are old and well loved too. So many memories of Christmas gone by. Love to you and best wishes this holiday season. Hugs again Marilou

  29. Your home is beautiful! Magazine ready!!! I LOVE it!!!

    Thanks for linking up to my party!
    XO, Aimee from


Comments make me giddy!