
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Dance December

It’s time for me to bring back my dancing partner from Buenos Aires.  He’s such a popular guy and does a fabulous tango,  and is a great prop for  a Happy Dance.

I am happy because  you are all such special friends to me:  you inspire  and  encourage me!
The Land of Blog is a wonderful place to be.

My Fall Mantel was featured  in November  by sweet Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours.

My Silverware Tree was featured in December by Pamela at From My Front Porch to Yours!
(Isn’t she a sweetheart?  Yes, she is!)

Kristen of My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia, featured my Christmas Mantel!

Thank you for the features,  ladies!   It is greatly appreciated!

 Until next time, Honey


  1. I love that tango partner! He's very professional looking!

  2. I always love to see your dance partner appear! It means you are happy! and with good reasons! Congratulations on your features! Well deserving sweetie...


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