
Monday, May 30, 2011

Vigo, Spain - Little Girl in Red

One of my favorite past times is to people watch and  this beautiful, sunny day in Vigo, Spain was no exception!
This sweet  little Cutie Pie in red was enjoying a morning with her Granddaddy, and he was proud as punch!  They strolled, played, and sat on a Park Bench.  She toddled over to the fountain and began picking up the pebbles and throwing them toward the Fountain.  They were delightful to watch and   Granddad gave me permission to take a few pictures of her.

  Vigo, Spain ~ April  25, 2011

My  real reward  was a big smile!   Red is certainly her Color!
...Until next time, Honey
Linking to :
Outdoor Wednesday at  A Southern Daydreamer
Rednesday at It's a Very Cherry World
Watery Wednesday

Sunday, May 29, 2011


While we all love a Holiday,  especially one that falls with an extended weekend, giving us extra time to spend with family and friends, enjoying good food and  participating in fun activities, many have forgotten the meaning and traditions of Memorial Day.
Remember,  Memorial Day is more than just another Holiday. 
It is a day of  Remembrance for all men and women   who have  perished in Military Service to our Country.

~American Cemetary, Omaha Beach, Normandy France

A famous poem, written during World War I, 
by a Canadian doctor describing the scene before him, is one of my favorite, and is a touching reminder  for this Holiday.

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

                          ~Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD

 Until next time, Honey


 If dandelions were hard to grow, they would be most welcome on any lawn.
   ~Andrew V. Mason
Until next time,  Honey
Linking to:
Macro Monday at Lisa’s Chaos

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Le Mont Saint–Michel, France

Le Mont Saint-Michel, France ~ April 31,2011

Until next time…Honey
Linking to:  

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Knock Off Decor

   Many of you have been inspired by items in expensive catalogs and moved to recreate them in your on special way, and always at a fraction on the price of the original item.  It’s always fun to see your copies and read about how you achieved your results.
Knock Off Decor features projects that are inspired by Ballard's, Pottery Barn, Anthropologie, Restoration Hardware and many others.   Beckie, the very talented lady behind Infarrantly Creative blog is also the creator of Knock Off Decor.
My Romantic Book Bundles, inspired by Pottery Barn, have just been featured at Knock Off Decor.  I hope you will stop by to read about my project here.  Be sure to take a look around at all of the terrific knock-offs featured.  You will be glad you did!

I really appreciate the feature! 
Thank you Beckie!

Until next time, Honey

Monday, May 23, 2011

Little Surprises

Sometimes you receive little surprises.
Like a new bloom…

Or an envelope  stuffed full of Vintage Photographs.  It was from a distant relative whom I haven’t seen in years.  She was  cleaning for a move and had a box full of old photographs without any idea of the identities.   So, she mailed them all to me. 
I haven’t a clue who 99.99% of them are.  It is my guess they are from the other side of her family.  But, since I adore vintage photographs,  they were placed into an apothecary jar for display.

And, there were some real cuties among the offerings!

Don’t you just love surprises?
Until next time, Honey  

Friday, May 20, 2011

French Market

On our recent vacation, we happened upon
this little open-air fresh fruit and vegetable market in
Cherbourg, France.

 Beautiful, the fruits and vegetables were rich in color,  but  also a bit  rich in price.  Priced in Euros  (at about $1.50 per Euro) , the strawberries are within pennies of $6.00 for 14 ounces.  The cantaloupes were in two sizes at about $4.50 for the smaller and $6.00 of the larger of the two.  The asparagus , about $6.00 per bunch.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and a
Happy Pink Saturday.

Hugs, Honey

Linking to:
Pink Saturday at  How Sweet the Sound
Funky Junk Interiors
Seasonal Sundays at The Tablescaper
Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer
At the Picket Fence

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bruges Swans

 Saturday was a busy day in Bruges, with people scurrying about and  lunching at outdoor cafes,  while others  sat back to watch the boats on the canals float past  and the peaceful poise of the swans.

Bruges, Belgium ~ April 30, 2011

“The swan in the pool is singing, 
And up and down doth he steer,
And, singing  gently ever,   
 Dips under the water clear.”
                                                  …..Heinrich Hine

….Until next time, Honey

Linking to:
Outdoor Wednesday at  A Southern Daydreamer

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How Tweet It Is!

Tweet, Tweet!

Upon returning from Vacation, I was promptly hit with a horrible sinus infection which kept me down the remainder of the week.  This past week we made another trip, this time to West Texas
to see my Mom, finish up things at her house and
get it on the market.

18th   Century Power  Brought to You by the Government  Paid for with Your Tax Dollars
While packing up her home in March, we came across old embroidery work on pillow cases and tea towels which were damaged with time.  My sister  took some of them home, cut out the embroidery work and   framed  them  in a collage.  Some were embroidered by  her Mother and some by Good Friends.

A pillow topper done by her Mother and was in her childhood home was also framed!

Another find was a handkerchief that had been autographed by some of our Mom’s Grammar  School and Church friends, then embroidered by her when she was a child.
She was pleased with these new objects d’art,  is happy in her new home, making new friends and enjoying her new surroundings.   She is as happy as a Lark.  And why not when she can witness this outside the window of the Dining Room in her building.

These guys are really skittish, and all “flew the coop” as soon as I came around the corner of the building to shoot them
….with Camera,  not Gun.

Stubbornly, they would not return until after I had retreated into the building.  Not wanting them to completely escape, I shot them through the window.

How tweet!
…Until next time,  Honey
Linking to:
 Homemaker on a Dime

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sunset Over the Atlantic

This  sunset picture was taken onboard a cruise ship, near Spain. 
Since Mr.  Honey (or should he be Mr.  2805? )
and I spent 21 days and nights together in a
ship’s cabin, I thought the quote chosen
to accompany  it would be appropriate.

    Atlantic Ocean, Near Spain ~ April 24, 2011 

  “Sensual pleasures have the fleeting brilliance of a comet;  a happy marriage has the tranquility of a lovely sunset.”
~  Ann Landers

On second thought, this sunset was quite fiery and exciting. 
Hugs, Honey

I am linking to:
Tracy’s Sunrise/Sunset and  Sun Flare Party at
Tracy’s Trinkets and Treasures
Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This little sweetie  was intrigued with the gold fish in the
Fountain and could not resist trying to touch them.

 Tenerife, Canary Islands – April 2011

Hugs, Honey

Linking to:
Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern  Daydreamer
Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound

Honey’s Home!

I’m Home! 
A quick  rundown on  what’s been going on at 2805.

The last two weeks in March I was helping my mother pack to move into a Senior Citizens Retirement Center.  We were happy to see her make the move and she is Happy as a Lark!   As many of you know, there is a lot to do in making a move like this,  plus we still have her house to sell.

I was also busy preparing for a 23 Day Trip!    It included a 21 Day Cruise from Tampa to London, with a stop in the Bahamas,  two stops in the Canary Islands,  two stops in Spain,  one in Portugal, two stops in the
Normandy Region in France,  Belgium and ending in Dover/London. 
( We missed out on the Madeira Island stop due to a storm…boo hoo.)
In the next few Days, Weeks, Months?  you may see a lot of photos and read about this this trip!   Hope you won’t tire of seeing them. 
My  next post  will include three pictures taken in
Tenerife,  Canary Island.

Half Moon Cay, Bahamas ~ April  2011 

 It was a wonderful trip, but it’s Good to be Home!   And it’s good to be back visiting with my Sweet Blogging Friends.    I’ve missed you all.   And, I have a lot of  catching up to do to see what wonderful projects and ideas you have come up with while I’ve been away.   Thanks  to all of you who left me sweet notes while I was gone.  It’s really nice to know that you’ve been missed!!

Hugs, Honey