
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I was recently  awarded the Stylish  Blogger Award by three very  creative and Stylish Bloggers:  Tete  at Beyond the Garden Gate,   Cindy at Dwellings -The Heart of your Home  and Tammy at Type A.   I appreciate the
award and accept it with gratitude!

The rules are to  reveal  7-8 things about myself that I have not yet revealed.  Since I’m not very good at this at all,  21-24 things would  be out of the question.   It’s difficult to come up with 7-8 that you might vaguely find interesting.  But, let’s try.
1.  I never, ever  forward chain letters, emails (who writes letter s    anymore).
2.  I have not yet told my daughter-in-law,  sisters,  nieces or other close family members or friends that I have a Blog.   Q: Why?  A: Don’t know.
   3.  I am a totally recovered brick and mortar retail store owner.
4.  I am really  a good listener.  You hear a lot of stories in the retail business.  I could write a book !  Seriously!
5.  I’m really a brunette under all these highlights.
6.  I married   one of my high school  sweetheart.  Just kidding, Sweetheart.   You were the only one.
7.  I’ve never watched Oprah.
8.  I’m holding back.  A  girl has to save some mystery for the future.

I have decided  to pass the Award along  to everyone because I think you are ALL Stylish Bloggers! 
Until next time,  Honey


  1. You are one very stylish blogger. Enjoyed your list.

  2. i dont think ive ever met someone thats never watched oprah :)
    have a good week
    ~laura x

  3. Congrats on the award! I'm a closet blogger too! None of my friends or neighboors have a clue that I have a blog... weird huh?

  4. Aha. I have nothing against Oprah, but I have never turned on the TV to watch her. Occasionally I've been visiting someone when she's on, but it's never been my choice.
    I tell everyone about my blog, whether they want to know or not. Many people are just not all that interested.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. ROFLOL this is a great list. What type of store did you own?


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