
Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Stroll through Quebec City

This is a repost of my second post, dated November 3, 2010, linking to:
Chari's Sunday Favorites at Happy to Design
Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday for "Q"
Outdoor Wednesday at A   Southern Daydreamer

  On a  recent trip to  Quebec City,  I discovered a  stunning city with  breathtaking Fall color  (something usually not seen  in my part of  Texas.)
Quebec City  is one of the oldest cities in North America and the old part of the city still has it's fortified walls. 
New England, Canada 10-10 262

Although  fascinated with taking pictures of architectural details such as doors,  windows, steeples and such (and have  a lot of them),  I  was really taken by the spirit of the street scenes.

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New England, Canada 10-10 337 (2)

Not sure what was going on in here but the translation is“skin to skin”.
New England, Canada 10-10 267

But,  I do know what was going on in here:  Fabulous French  Food  which was  oh si delicieux et fortement recommande! 
New England, Canada 10-10 310



  1. O, Honey...your photos just blew me away. They are all wonderful. Lucky you to have been to France. I have always wanted to go but, at this late in the game, I must be happy with viewing scenes such as these.

    Thanks for following..I am going to follow you, too..maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle. :))
    xo bj

  2. What a beautiful quaint place! I would love to see it in person because it is just my taste!


  3. Thanks for visiting my blog. Beautiful photos of Quebec City! I read a lot of GLH books when I was young--my grandmother had them all I think! And I'm sure I've read the ones you have there. It was nice to visit your blog and I'll be back!

  4. I would love to go to Canada. Nice photos! Susan

  5. What wonderful photos! This looks like it would be such a fun and interesting place to visit!

  6. I LOVE Quebec City! I get to use my French without leaving my time zone and having major jet lag! And it's so beautiful! Thanks for the reminder of a lovely I need to go back! Hope you are warm and cozy today!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Beautiful pictures!!! The shops have so much character...thanks for sharing, Cindy

  8. Thank you so much for stopping by, I am so glad you did.
    These photos of Quebec are so quaint and you can feel the energy in your pictures. It really looks like a wonderful trip, I have never been but it is on my list. Thank you for sharing it has rekindled a desire to go.
    Wishing you a most blessed new year filled with love and laughter

  9. Looks like a darling place to be, nice photos.Just wanted to stop over for a visit.~Cheers Kim

  10. What a gorgeous city. Thanks for sharing your fabulous pictures with us! Have a great day!

  11. Hi Honey...

    What a great post to revisit, my friend! So glad that you shared it with us for the Sunday Favorites repost party this week! I have never been to Quebec City...but after viewing all of your photos...I would LOVE TO GO!!! I love the "old world...european" feel! It reminded me of walking down a few of the side streets in Paris! Simply awesome! It looks like you had a fabulous time!

    You know, living 30 yrs. in south Texas and then moving to Colorado...I always just stand in awe of the autumn season and all the glorious colors! Autumn is now my favorite season of the year! Hehe!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  12. I have always wanted to go to Quebec or Montreal. I saw it featured in Victoria one year and ever since I thought it would be fabulous! Love your photos. Thanks for posting!

  13. Hi Honey~ Wow, what beautiful pictures- Looks like an absolutely amazing place to visit! :)

  14. Honey, Your pictures are wonderful and what a beautiful city. We have talked about going to Quebec but have never made it. Maybe this year!

  15. Loved all your street scene photos especially that one where they have a swag of fall corn cobs hanging. Have to remember that one for next Fall around my door if I can afford to buy that many Maybe one of the friendly farmers around here will give me some cow corn. :)

  16. Hello, Honey! Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog-- I am doing the same in return. I LOVE these photos, what a lovely place to stroll.

  17. Quebec looks like such a beautiful city! Your pictures are just lovely!
    Thanks so much for visiting and for following my blog, Honey! Love yours, too, and I'm happy to be following now! :)
    ~ Jo :)

  18. Oh WOW what a gorgeous post ! Beautiful pictures ! I love your blog and following you back !
    Come say hi when you can !

  19. I love your pictures of Quebec City. I have some of the same ones myself from a trip we took with our cousins from Alberta. What a lovely place!

  20. I haven't been to Quebec in years! I honeymooned there 30 years ago in January..brr....

    We didn't care about the cold, barely left the room!

    I need to go make a visit...

  21. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! I love it. You've captured the city very well. :)

  22. Great pics, looks like fun! I think I even spy a pig in there:@)

  23. It would be such fun explore the quaint streets and enjoy wonderful food there.

  24. What beautiful photos! Looks like a wonderful place to visit.

  25. I just knew this post would have beautiful photos! Lovely!!!!!

  26. Wow! Beautiful photos! What a great find this must have been. The city looks gorgeous...and very European too. I absolutely love the fall colors everywhere. And the architecture is just breathtaking!

  27. Quebec looks enchanting - your images are beautiful. I could probably lead you through most of the Western Provinces of Canada without a map, but have never been to Quebec. I want to walk in your footsteps!

  28. I need to visit! What month would you recommend to see the best fall colors?


  29. This is lovely.

    I have never been to Quebec but I think I need to rectify that obviously oversight on my part.

    Like Sue I'm wondering what month the fall colors are the best.

    Thanks for a lovely stop today on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter 'Q'.

    This was quite perfect.


  30. Beautiful photos! The first one looks like it should be a castle in Europe. I love the architecture of it and the store fronts in your other photos. Oh, I would love to travel and see the sites in Quebec City :o) thanks for "taking" us with you there through your photos.

    Blessings & Aloha!

  31. You captured Quebec beautifully!
    Family lore is that one of my ancestors died on The Plains of Abraham - a Scot fighting with the French. It's been a long time since I last visited - we used to drive through every year on our way home to Cape Breton.

  32. I love Quebec City. My father took us to visit when I was in high school...I still remember that trip, vividly. We stayed at the Chateau...WOW! and walked the streets of both the upper and lower city. It was an amazing place!
    Jane (artfully graced)

  33. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I lived in Quebec City for 3 years when I was going to college and lately I've been thinking I should go back for a visit. Your photos of my fave city ever just convinced me, it's time!!

    Love your blog,



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